Components of Fitness


Flashcards on Components of Fitness, created by Kat Mcpersonthingy on 14/11/2018.
Kat Mcpersonthingy
Flashcards by Kat Mcpersonthingy, updated more than 1 year ago
Kat Mcpersonthingy
Created by Kat Mcpersonthingy over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Q: What component of fitness is the ability of the cardio respiratory system to effectively supply nutrients to the working muscles? A: Aerobic Endurance
Q: What component of fitness is the relative ratio of fat mass to fat free mass? A: Body Composition
Q: A: Speed
Q: What component is an adequate range of motion in all joints of the body? A: Flexibility
Q: What component is the ability of the muscles to work for long or sustained periods of time without tiring? A: Muscular endurance
Q: What component is the maximum force one muscle or a group of muscles can generate at once? A: Muscular strength
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