

This is about all the stuff beyond our galaxy
Flashcards by Kristen_May, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kristen_May about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Is stuff in space evenly spaced out? No
What do you use to find distance/locations? Triangle math and Geometry
Parallax How much things appear to move from two viewpoints compared to a refernce point
Triangulation 1.Use scale diagrams of traiangles 2. Often base line is 2 AU's
Distances 1. Small 2. Medium 3. Large 1. Km- Planets, stars 2. A.U's- Solar system 3. Light years- Outerspace
What did they often use as reference points? Cepheids, pulsars (Change brightness)
What is it called when stars group together? Cluster
What is a smaller cluster called? Open cluster
What is a larger cluster called? Globular cluster
What are Galaxies made of? Star clusters, planets, nebulas...ect...
What are the 3 types of Galaxies? 1. Elliptical 2. Spiral 3. Irregular
What is the Doppler shift? 1. It shows direction and speed of moving object 2. Changes length of voques-Chnage colour 3. If the waves move towards you they are a Blue shift, away and they are a Red shift
Who found out that the universe was expanding? Hubble
Quasars 1. Huge, high energy, galaxy centers 2. Nothing in the universe makes more energy 3. Possibly made from Glaxies colliding 4. On the edge of the universe
Gamma Ray Burst 1. Releases more energy in a second than the sun will in it's entire life 2. Possibly parts of a forming black hole 3. From supernovas or when stars collide
Missing Mass 1. The universe does not have enough mass to work the way it does 2. A particle called the neutrino was found to fill the universe, Comes from the big bang 3. There is also dark matter but we don't know how do detect it yet
What are the top 4 things that affect the earth? 1. Space debris 2. Stars 3. Moon 4. Sun, light, and heat
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