Via Negativa


yasmin kongsfelt
Flashcards by yasmin kongsfelt, updated more than 1 year ago
yasmin kongsfelt
Created by yasmin kongsfelt over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Via Negativa (apophatic way) Content: Moses MAIMONIDES Pseudo-DIONYSIUS Strengths and Weaknesses
Maimonides “we cannot say that God is good when we do not know what it means to say that ‘God is good’" God is beyond our ability to describe. through negation, we can learn something about God without the risk of anthropomorphising him
Ship example The ship is not a mineral, not a plant, not a natural body etc. by the 10th statement, we will have some knowledge of a ship Critic - Brain DAVIES
Evaluating Ship example DAVIES - “he could equally be thinking of a wardrobe" “if one can only say what he is not, one cannot understand him at all” We cannot say what God is not because we need to have some idea of what God is.
Pseudo-Dionysius support God is "beyond assertions and beyond denial" influenced by PLATO and was aware of the limit of our sense as well as our language. Positive language risk anthropomorphizing him hence only negative terms can preserve the mystery and 'otherness' of God
Weaknesses - AQUINAS "when we say 'God is alive' we mean more than just 'God is not dead'" Reduces God in the opposite way - it does not fully capture the essence of God
Weaknesses - scripture it is not a true reflection of how religious believers speak or thing of God Scripture speaks of God positively
Weaknesses - Can we learn anything? We cannot learn about God by process of elimination, since he is beyond our experience
Weaknesses - Falsification response Anthony FLEW - the idea of a God who is not visible, is intangible, etc., seems to bear very lottle differences to there being no God at all.
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