Veterinary Nursing Instruments


A level vet Flashcards on Veterinary Nursing Instruments, created by Emily West on 13/05/2018.
Emily West
Flashcards by Emily West, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rowan.bray almost 10 years ago
Emily West
Copied by Emily West over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are Olsen Hagar's? Needle Holders and scissor actions
What are Gillie's Needle holders? Holding and cutting. One handle shorter than the other with longer thumb grip
What are West's Retractors? Self retaining retractors, wide range of veterinary surgery, sharp prongs
What are Gelpi Forceps? Single pronged outwardly turning tips
What are Mayo Needle holders? Self retaining needle holders, not cutting blade surfaces
What are Spencer wells Forceps? Bulky, robust, curved or straight. Used for clamping blood vessels.
What are Halstead Mosquito Forceps? Small, fine tipped artery forceps. Clamping small blood vessels
What are Allis Tissue Forceps? Rounded tip with teeth on the gripping surface holding soft tissue
What are Mayo Scissors? Soft tissue dissection and cutting. Strong rounded blades
What are Metzenbaum Scissors Fine, lightweight scissors. Long handle, short blade
what are the 3 types of scissors? Mayo, Metzenbaum and Carless
3 types of holding forceps? Toothed dissecting forceps, rat-toothed dissecting forceps and Aliis tissue forceps
4 types of needle holders? Gillies, Olsen Hegar, McPhails and Mayo-Hegar
2 Towel Clips? Backhaus and Gray Cross action
2 Artery Forceps Spencer Wells and Halstead Mosquito
Self Retaining Retractors Gelpis, Travers, Finochietto and Balfour
3 Handheld Retractors Hohmann, Langenbeck and Czemy
Orthopaedic instruments Bone Cutting Forceps Rongeurs Periosteal Elevators Curette Osteotome Chisel
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