Circulation III


Flashcards on Circulation III, created by J yadonknow on 14/04/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cardiac output CO=HR*Stroke Vol. L/min = Bpm * L
HR stim ANS (Para)sympathetic stim. Circulating hormones
Stroke vol. stim extrinsic: Sympathetic stim. Intrinsic: Degree of cardiac muscle stretch like endothelium derived NO or metabolites + relating factors e.g. H+/CO2/Hypoxia
Cardiac Pacemaker SANs generates electrical activity
Atrium/Ventricle/SANs depolarisation a eh ahee
E activity pathway SAN -> RA -> LA -> AVN (Delay) -> Bundle of His -> Septum of heart -> L/R V
Lead II position Bundle of His axis
ECG reading PQRST
P wave Atria depolarisation
PR interval Conduction through AV node
QRS complex Depolarisation of ventricles More cells = larger depolarisation Repolarisation of atria distorted by large depol
T wave Repolarisation of ventricles
QT duration Ventricular repo+depo
The heart is a functional what now, sonny boy? I say young whippersnapper, the heart is a functional what now? Functional syncytium gramps! Each individual cell cooperates with one another to create a co-ordinated wave of excitation/contraction!
Well I'll be! Crazy how advanced science is these days. Now say now sonny boy, just how do they do that? Well gramps it's simple, the cells are electrically coupled through gap junctions They're also mechanically coupled
Why is relaxation co-ordinated w/ excitation? To allow sufficient time for filling
What do valves ensure? One-way flow of blood
Systole Contraction of chamber and ejection of blood
Diastole Relaxation and filling
Events of cardiac cycle 1. Atrial systole (ventricular diastole). 2. Isovolumetric contraction of ventricles 3. Ventricular systole. 4. Isovolumetric relaxation of ventricles 5. Passive refilling of ventricles
Diagram of valve opening shutting Mitral valve closes Aortic valve opens Aortic valve closes Aortic pressure Left atrial pressure Mitral valve opens
Dynamic Pressure-Volume relationship in left ventricle A-~>B Diastole filling B~>C Isovolumic contraction C~> D Ejection of blood D~>A Isolvolumic relaxation
PS Stim on SAN pacemaker activity Stim vagus nerve, slows rate of depol. Slows heart rate
S stim Delop reaches threshold much more rapidly ^ heart rate
Cardiac Cycle Phase 1: Atrial systole Phase 2: Isovolumetric contraction Phase 3: Rapid ejection Phase 4: Isovolumetric relaxation Phase 5: Passive refilling
Diastole Phase 1 and 5
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