1.6 ; structure of an atom ✓


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on 1.6 ; structure of an atom ✓, created by Deleted user on 12/03/2018.
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Farha Idrees
Created by Farha Idrees over 8 years ago
Farha Idrees
Copied by Farha Idrees almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the three sub-atomic particles of an atom? 1) proton 2) neutron 3) electrons
a) relative mass b) location c) charge -of each sub atomic particle? proton: a) 1 ; b) nucleus ; c) +1 neutron: a) 1 ; b) nucleus ; c) 0 electron: a) 0 ; b) shells ; c) -1
Atoms contain an equal number of ____ and _____, so carry no overall _____. Atoms contain an equal number of protons and electrons, so carry no overall charge.
atomic number = ... atomic number = number of protons (=number of electrons)
mass number = ... mass number = number of protons + neutrons
How do you work out the number of neutrons in an atom? mass number - atomic number
Lead has an atomic number of 82, and a mass number of 207. Work out the number of: a) protons b) electrons c) neutrons a) protons = atomic number = 82 b) electrons = atomic number = 82 c) neutrons = mass no. - atomic no. = 125
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