Extra-chromosomal genetics I


Flashcards on Extra-chromosomal genetics I, created by J yadonknow on 07/03/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the typical size of an archaeal genome? 2mBp
What is the typical size of an E.coli genome? 4.6 mBp
What is the typical size of a human chromosome? 100 mBp
Why should prokaryotes technically just accumulate bad mutations? Haploid and reproduce asexually by binary fission, no influx of "fresh" genes
Plasmid cohabitation May be exclusive or exist in multiple species co-existing plasmids = compatible can't co-exist = incompatible
What are the 3 basic GI types of plasmids? 1. Sequences for replication + segregation of plasmids during replication 2. Useful extra genes to confer auxiliary metabolic pathways to host cell. 3. Tra genes to allow transfer of plasmid copy to new cells.
What sequences are responsible for rep+segregation? Name 2 examples. (3) Origin of replication genes OriP in plasmids OriC in chromosomes
What methods may they employ to do so? Recruit host cell enzymes to replicate the plasmid DNA May have systems that allow plasmid to stick to chromosome and "hitch-hike" during cell division.
Name 3 functions that additional genes may confer. i. Carb utilisation ii. Nitrogen fixation iii. Organic compound degradation.
What factors in host cell infections are important? Name 2 examples. Virulence factors like Haemolysis Enterotoxin
What can be seen on a typical agar jar with bacteria of differing AB sensitivity? No resistance = zone of cell death Resistant bacteria grow right next to AB Lawn of bacteria growing on agar
What plasmid is responsible for the dangerous staphylococcus strains from hospitals? pGO1 resistance (R) plasmid
What type of plasmid is this? conjugative R plasmid with trs genes
What does it confer resistance to? 4' ammonium compounds aminoglycosides bleomycin trimethoprim
What gene encodes transposases? Tnp
What are the simplest known transposable elements? called insertion sequences, smallest one is IS1
What do tra genes do? Allow plasmid conjugation between prokaryotes
Outline the process by which a donor cell donates its plasmid to a recipient (7) 1. tra genes of F+ plasmid encode pilins to form a pilus 2. F+ strain recognises F- and attaches via pilli 3. Pillus retracts, pore forms between cells 4. ssDNA produced from OriT (OG of transfer) 5. ss pulled off like rolling circle 6. Rolling circle replication = sigma replication 7. Recipient F- synthesises comp. DNA to form dsDNA.
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