Biology B1.2 B - Male or Female?


GCSE Biology (B1 - You & your genes) Flashcards on Biology B1.2 B - Male or Female?, created by lily bevan on 01/12/2017.
lily bevan
Flashcards by lily bevan, updated more than 1 year ago
lily bevan
Created by lily bevan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is pair 23? Sex chromosomes.
What are the differences in pair 23 for male and females? Males have XY Females have XX
Which chromosome does each gamete carry? Sperm carry a Y chromosome. Eggs carry an X chromosome.
What is the chance of having a boy? 50%
When does the male embryo's testes start to develop? @ 6 weeks
What causes the growth of the male testes? the SRY gene.
what do testes produce? Male sex hormones called androgens.
What do androgens cause? They cause the embryo to develop male characteristics.
What happens if no male sex hormone is present? The embryo develops female characteristics ( ovaries, clitoris, and vagina)
What are hormones? A group of proteins that control many processes in cells.
How do hormones reach their target cells? Through the blood stream.
What happened if a person produces androgen but their cells don't respond? They have androgen insensitivity syndrome, meaning they appear female but have small internal testes and short vagina.
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