Physics P1.1 B


GCSE Physics (P1 Radiation & waves) Flashcards on Physics P1.1 B, created by lily bevan on 27/11/2017.
lily bevan
Flashcards by lily bevan, updated more than 1 year ago
lily bevan
Created by lily bevan almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the electromagnetic spectrum? The 'family' of electromagnetic radiation of different frequencies & wavelengths.
What is electromagnetic radiation? A radiation that consists of vibrating electric & magnetic fields.
what are the main groups of magnetic radiation? Gamma, X-rays, UV, Visible Light, Infrared, Microwave, & Radio.
What are uses & effects of Gamma Rays? + Causes cancer & can kill cancer cells + Used for sterilising medical equipment & food
what are uses & effects of X-rays? + Used for X-ray photography + Causes fluorescence + Causes cancer & can kill cancer cells
What are uses & effects of UV? + Causes tanning, skin cancer, & eye damage + Causes fluorescence + Kills bacteria
What is special about visible light? Only type of radiation visible to the human eye.
What are some examples & effects of Infrared? + Radiant heaters & grills + TV & video remote controllers + Security alarms & lamps + Carries digital signals in fibre optic broadband cables
What are some uses & effects of Microwaves? + TV & communication satellites + Heating effects in Microwave ovens + Mobile phones + Telephone links; Radar + TV broadcasts
what are some uses & effects of Radio + Radio ( FM, AM, Local, Long-distance)
Generally, what happens when electromagnetic radiation is absorbed? Objects gain energy.
What happens when an aerial absorbs microwave & radio? They make patterns carried by them into patterns of electrical current, which are used by Radios & TVs.
How dies radiation cause heating? The vibrations of particles are created & this kinetic energy transfers onto thermal energy.
In what circumstances can radiation increase the chance of chemical reactions? Only if the radiation carries high levels of energy.
what is a molecule? A molecule is a group of 2 or more atoms joined together.
What molecules absorb microwaves? Water, Fat, & Sugar
What happens when molecules of fat, water, & sugar absorb Microwaves? They vibrate strongly ( temperature rises )
What are some safety features of Microwave ovens? Metal grids on doors that reflect radiation back, & a hidden switch that prevents the oven from working w/ door open.
What does the heating effect depend on? The type of radiation, the intensity, & the duration.
How can the nuclear model describe ionisation? When an atom absorbs a photon , it gains energy & 1 electron moves further from the nucleus. the atom looses its extra energy by emitting a photon of electromagnetic radiation.
What charge is the atom after ionisation & what is it called? Positive Ion
what are the ionising radiations? Gamma, X-rays, & some UV.
Why are some radiations called ionising? Because a single photon has enough energy to ionise an atom or molecule.
what happens if ionisation happens in a living cell? Its chemical reactions might be changed. This can damage it by changing its behaviour.
What happens if a large amount of ionisation of heating happens in a living cell? It can die.
what is the main effect of non-ionising radiation? Heating
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