Macedonian - family (vocab)


All vocabulary is from credits to them!
Jamal Student
Flashcards by Jamal Student, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamal Student
Created by Jamal Student about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Фамилија Familija Family
дедо dedo grandfather
баба baba grandmother
тој и таа toј i taa he and she
татко tatko father
мајка maјka mother
син sin son
ќерка cerka daughter
брат brat brother
сестра sestra sister
чичко tschitschko uncle
тетка tetka aunt
Ние сме една фамилија. Nie sme jedna familiјa. We are a family
Фамилијата не е мала. Familiјata ne je mala. The family is not small
Фамилијата е голема. Familiјata je golema. The family is big
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