Biodiversity and Evolution


Undergraduate Biology (Biodiversity and Evolution) Flashcards on Biodiversity and Evolution, created by siobhan.quirk on 24/05/2013.
Flashcards by siobhan.quirk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by siobhan.quirk almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
species a group of individual organisms very similar in appearance, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and genetics whose members are able to interbreed freely to produce fertile offspring
habitat place where an organism lives
Biodiversity the variety of life - the range of living organisms to be found
Random sampling studying a small part of the habitat and assuming it contains a representatuve set of speices that can be applied to the whole habitat. Chosen at random
Species richness number of species present in a habitat
Simpson's diversity index a formula used to measure the diveristy of a habitat
Biological classfication process of sorting living things into groups
Taxonomy study of principles of classfication
Phylogeny study of evolutionary relationships between organisms
Prokaryotes have no nucleus
Protocists organisms that don't fit into other four kingdoms - many single celled
Fungi organisms that are mostly saprophytic. Consist of a mycelium with walls made from chitin
Plants multicellular organisms that gain their nutrition from photosynthesis
Animals heterotropic multicellular eukaryotes
Binomial system uses two names to identify each species, genus and species
Dichotomus key uses a series of questions with two alternative answers to help you identify a specimen
Variation presence of variety - of differences between individuals
Genetic variation caused by differences between the genes and the combinations of genes or alleles
Continuous variation variation ub which there is a full range of intermdeiate phenotypes between two extremes
Discontinous variation variation in which there are discete groups of phenotypes with no or very few individuals in between
Adaptation feautre that enhances survivial and long term reproductive success
Xerophytic plants that are adapted to living in very dry conditions
Natural selection 'selection' by the environment of particular individuals that show certain variations
Speciation formation of a new species
Extinction a species ceases to exist
Conservation in situ means conserving a species in its normal environment
Conservaion ex situ means conserving an endangered species by activites that take place outside its natural environment
Environmental impact assessment a procedure to assess the likely significatn effect that a proposed development mauy have on the environment
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