Geriatrics Final review


Geriatrics Flashcards on Geriatrics Final review , created by Amanda Burton on 27/09/2017.
Amanda Burton
Flashcards by Amanda Burton, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Burton
Created by Amanda Burton almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Ageism Prejudice or discrimination against a particular age group, especially older adults.
What is Demographics The study of populations statistical data
What is Gerontology The study of all aspects of the aging process
What is geriatrics Dealing with the physiologic characteristics of aging
What is Geriatrician Elderly specialist
What is Gerontics Services provided of older adults
Describe the process of aging Chronologically, Physiologically, and Functionally
What is the best method of the process of aging Chronologic age
What is the Age Discrimination Act of 1967 Basis of age in hiring, promotion, and discharge 40 and above
What are free radicals Unstable molecules produced by the body
What does a durable power of attorney for healthcare do? Designed to help guide the family and medical professional in planning care.
What is the inability to maintain personal care, hygiene, shopping, and paying bills called? Self neglect
What is the activity theory of aging? Proposes that activity is necessary for successful aging. social or exercise
What is the single most important factor that influences how well or how poorly a person will age? Attitude
What is a advance directive? Your personal wishes
Medicare A Hospital Insurance
Medicare B 100 days of skilled care
Medicare D pays for drugs
Antioxidants Neutralize free radicals A, D, E, K
What is the last of the eight stages of the Eirkson's Stages of development Integrity vs. Despair
What is the Jung's Theory on aging True self, you accept yourself and you don't care what others think
Normal age related changes of urinary system Urine concentrations, decrease fluid intake, incontinence
A bone related side effect of aging where vitamin A and C are needed for ossification
Why is walking a good exercise for the elderly vs. swimming Better for the long bones
Normal age related changes in Respiratory Decreased # of cilia, and # of macrophages
Normal age related changes in CV Decreased cardiac muscle tone heart pumps with less force, cardiac output, elasticity and pacemaker cells
Importance of exercise in the elderly Helps to keep joints flexible, to maintain muscle mass; to control blood sugar; promotes sense of well being, slow down bone loss
How long should elderly exercise 30 minutes of walking
Motivation of patients and changes of success in health promotion The individual's perception of his and her health
Best predictor of success with health promotion activities Only those highly motivated to change are likely to be successful.
What is the daily amount of sodium intake 2000-3000 mg a day
Low sodium diet below 2000 mg daily
What factors of success with health promotion activities Independence
Dysphagia difficulties swallowing
Dysphasia Difficulties speaking
Nursing interventions for Dysphagia Tuck chin while swallowing, take small bits or drinks, thicken liquids, allow ampule time
Nursing interventions for dysphasia Allow time to complete sentences, white boards
Therapeutic communication is a process of gathering information related to pt's overall health
Therapeutic relationship ended when at discharge
Blocks to communication Jargon, baby talk, close ended questions, judging, giving advice
What is the personal space measurement 18in-4ft
What is the public space measurement 12ft
What is the social space measurement 4-12ft
How would you modify teaching for elderly Speak to their faces, slow, short short sentences, 0 jargon, hearing aides and glasses, active listening
Teaching points for iron dark/black stools, take with OJ, Don not take on a empty stomach
Daily water and calorie intake for the elderly water 2000-3000 cc calorie 1200
Factors that affect the elderly and nutrition Losing taste buds, eating next to someone who stinks, CNA not taking time to assist
Barriers to nutrition in institutionalized seniors Way it smells, the look, and served
Effects of low hemoglobin and low albumin Hemoglobin - confusion, enema, falling Albumin - Protein, Edema
Normal age related changes in distribution Storing of fat soluble drugs in fatty tissues
Normal age related changes in Metabolism Decreased enzyme activity in liver
Normal age related changes in excertion Decreased renal blood flow
Normal age related changes in Absorption Reduced liver mass and blood flow
Med's that cant be crushed Capsules, Sublingual, buccal, enteric-coated
Beer's Criteria Drugs that should not be used on the elderly, example: benedryl Start low go slow
Which organ is the primary site of drug metabolism Liver
Where are most drugs absorbed GI tract
Before administering a medication what is information you should know Therapeutic effects, reasons for med, normal dosage, normal route, special precautions, common side effects, signs of overdose or toxicity
Health screening Not designed to provide treatment but referrals
Health assessment A head to toe assessment by professional with data use to perform diagnosis and plan of care
What are continuous, loud, low-pitched sounds that may be ausculated from the lungs? Rhonci
Why should the nurse frequently assess the older adult who is on a psychotropic drug? Safety
What is the number 1 cause of death by fire smoking
#1 cause of fire injury cooking
What is the best predictor of falls previous fall in last 6 month
What signals a changes from one stage of dementia to another incontinence
delirium fast, curable, on/off
dementia slow, gradual and not curable
Hemianopsia A condition in which a portion of the visual field is lost
How would you modifiy the environment to reduce risks with a pt with Hemianopsia Arrange Furniture, place items on good side and teach to sweep head to look at environment
What factors put older adults at increased risk for social isolation NANDA: inability to drive, losing friends and relatives, can't hear or see well
Respiratory signs of immanent death Cheyne-Stokes
What is the last sense to go before dying hearing
Cardovascular sign of immanent death modeling of limbs
Pain control goals of a dying patient provide comfort but let them try to interact
Stages of Kubler Ross of grieving and dying Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance
What are Phytoestrogens chemicals that act as estrogen's on some parts of the body and antiestrogens on others.
What can you get Phytoestrogens from Soybeans and sweet potatoes (wild yams)
What diseases contribute to ED DM, Depression, CV
Assessing dark toned skin Halogen light, palpate for signs of edema, touch to determine changes of temperature
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