Chapter 3: Analysis of Financial Statements


Corporate Finance Flashcards on Chapter 3: Analysis of Financial Statements, created by L F on 22/09/2017.
Flashcards by L F, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by L F about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Current Ratio Current Assets / Current Liabilities Measures ST solvency. "For each $ of CL, they # CA."
Quick Ratio "Liquidick Ratio" Current Assets - Investments / Current Liabilities Measures liquidity to repay debts. LIQUIDICK RATIO "For each $ of CL, they have # assets."
Total Assets Turnover Ratio Sales / Total Assets Measures how each dollar of sales is tied in assets.
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio Sales / Net Fixed Assets Measures how effectively fixed assets are used to generate sales.
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Ratio Receivables / Annual Sales / 365 Measures time waiting to receive cash after a sale has been made in days in a year.
Inventory Turnover Ratio COGS + Depreciation / Inventories / 365 Measures how many times inventory turns over in days in a year.
Debt to Assets Ratio Total Debt / Total Assets Measures how much of a firm's total assets are financed by debt.
Times-Interest-Earned (TIE) Ratio EBIT / Interest Ability to Pay Interest Measures how much a firm can decline before it can't meet annual interest costs.
Profit Margin on Sales (Net Profit Margin) NI available to common stockholders / Sales Measures profit to stockholders per dollar of sales.
Basic Earnings Power (BEP) EBIT / Total Assets Measures the earning power of a firm's assets before interest and taxes.
Return on Total Assets (ROA) NI available to common stockholders / Total Assets Measures return on total assets after interest and taxes.
Return on Common Equity (ROE) NI available to common stockholders / Common Equity Measures the firm's ability to generate profits from its shareholders investments.
Price/Earnings (P/E) Price per share / Earnings per share Measure how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of REPORTED PROFITS. SHARE VALUATION
Market/Book (M/B) Market price per share / Book value per share Measure how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of the FIRM'S BOOK VALUE. FIRM VALUATION
Liquidity Ratios show... the relationship of a firm's current assets to its current liabilities and thus its abilities to meet maturing debts.
Asset Management Ratios measure... how effectively a firm is managing its assets.
Debt Management Ratios reveal... 1. a firm's financed debt 2. the chance of firm defaulting on debt
Profitability Ratios show... the combined effects of liquidity, asset management, and debt management policies on operating results.
Market Value Ratios show... what investors think of company's performance by the value of its current share price.
Trend Analysis is important because... it reveals whether the firm's has been improving or deteriorating over time.
The DuPont Equation shows how... the profit margin on sales, the assets turnover and the use of debt interact to determine the rate of return on equity.
Benchmarking is the process of... comparing a particular company with a group of similar successful companies.
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