Created by kate thompson
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
Allium | GENUS Latin name for garlic |
Smyrnium | GENUS From the Greek smyrnion (myrrh); referring to its smell |
olusatrum | Latin for alexander olus = vegetable/turnip |
Pimpinella | GENUS bi-pinnate - from a word meaning |
anisum | latin, anesum = Aniseed |
Carum | GENUS Latin for dear or expensive Careum = caraway |
carvi | An old name for Caraway. Links to carota - carrot. |
Anthriscus | GENUS Another but unidentified plant Anthris = caves |
cerefolium | Waxy leaves |
Coriandrum | From the Greek koris, a bug or gnat; referring to its aroma |
sativum | Cultivated |
Anethum | GENUS Dill |
graveolens | Heavy scented, unpleasant smell |
Rumex | GENUS Latin name for Docks and sorrel plants |
scutatus | With a shield |
Artemisia | GENUS Named for the goddess Artemis in Greek mythology, who so benefitted from a plant of this family that she gave it her own name |
dracunculus | Little dragon |
Levisticum | GENUS Possibly from the Greek ligustikos, referring to being of or from the Liguria region in Italy |
officinalis | Official - used in pharmacological sense |
Portulaca | GENUS Carries milk |
oleracea | Edible vegetable (olera = green) |
Sium | GENUS A perennial of wet and marshy places in the northern hemisphere from sion, ancient Greek name. |
sisarum | Skirret |
acetosa | Latin for sour, common sorrel & other plants with acid leaves |
Satureia | GENUS Latin name for Savory. |
hortensis | Of gardens; cultivated |
Ocimum | GENUS From the Greek word meaning to smell, to be fragrant |
basilicum | royal or princely |
montana | Of the mountains |
Acorus | GENUS Plant with an aromatic rhizome |
calamus | From the Greek kalamos, meaning reed |
Aegopodium | GENUS From the Greek aix (goat) and podion (little foot) |
podagraria | Goat's foot |
Alchemilla | GENUS Takes its name from a plant valued for its use in alchemy |
xanthochlora | xanthos (yellow) and chlorus (green), greek. |
ursinum | Referring to a bear |
Amelanchier | GENUS From an old French common name |
ovalis | latin for oval |
Berberis | GENUS Latinised form of the Arabic name for the fruit |
perennis | latin for perennial |
Atriplex | GENUS atri = dark plex = fold Ancient Latin name for this plant |
victorialis | Victorius; symbol of victory |
Angelica | GENUS Like an angel, angelic |
archangelica | Named after the Archangel Michael |
schoenoprasum | Schoeno means Rush Greek prason = leek Latin porrum = leek |
Alliaria | GENUS Of the Allium family |
petiolata | Has leaf stalks (petioles) |
Achillea | GENUS Named for Achilles, who used plants of the genus to staunch the wounds of his soldiers at the siege of Troy |
millefolium | mille = thousand folium = leaves |
Armoracia | GENUS Wild Radish armora = equipment (from weapons + armour) |
rusticana | Rustic, of the countryside |
alba | white |
alpestris | alpine |
bellus | beautiful |
broccolo | flowering top |
caerule | dark blue |
candicans | hairy or wooly |
cereus | waxy |
coccineu | scarlet |
cordata | heart shaped |
crassu | fleshy, thick |
dulcis | sweet |
edulis | edible |
ferox | very thorny |
flavens | yellowish |
glaber | smooth, without hairs |
heli | sun |
imbricata | overlapping, like scales |
ingens | enormous |
obesus | fat |
phylla | leaves (pertaining to) |
repens | crawling, creeping |
ericeus | silky |
serpens | creeping, snakelike |
vulgaris | common |
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