Chapter 3: Health, Illness, and Disparities: Vocabulary


Unit I: Foundation of Nursing Practice Chapter 3: Health, Illness, and Disparities
Alexandra Bozan
Flashcards by Alexandra Bozan, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandra Bozan
Created by Alexandra Bozan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
morbidity how frequently a disease occurs
mortality the numbers of deaths resulting from a disease
wellness interchangeable used with health
disease medical term, referring to pathologic changes in the structure or function of the body or mind
illness the response of the person to a disease
remission when the disease is present, bu the person does not experience symptoms
exacerbation the symptoms of the disease reappear
health disparity influenced by many different factors, including racial and ethnic groups, poverty, gender, age, mental health, educational level, disabilities, sexual orientation, health insurance and access to health care
self-concept self-esteem, body image
Primary health promotion/illness prevention directed toward promoting health and preventing the development of disease processes or injury
Secondary health promotion/illness prevention screening for early detection of disease with prompt diagnosis and treatment of any found; goal is to identify an illness, reverse/reduce severity or provide a cure and return the person to maximum health as quickly as possible
Tertiary health promotion/illness prevention begins after an illness is diagnosed and treated, w/the goal of reducing disability/helping rehabilitate patients to a maximum level of functioning
Agent-Host-Environment Model Examines the cause of a disease in an individual.
Health Illness Continuum Model Measure's a person's level of health
High Level Wellness Model characterized by functioning to one's maximum potential while maintaining balance and purposeful direction in the environment
Health Belief Model Used to describe health behaviors
Stage 1: Experiencing Symptoms If the symptoms continue, the person enters the next stage: assuming the sick role
Stage 2: Assuming the sick role Person self-defines as being sick, seeks validation of this experience from others, gives up normal activities and assumes the sick role
Stage 3: Assuming a dependent role Stage characterized by the patient's decision to accept the diagnosis and follow the prescribed treatment plan
Stage 4: Achieving recovery and rehabilitation Gives up the dependent role and resumes normal activities and responsibilities
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