NHM 201 Chapter 3


vocabulary and quiz questions
Alicia Suzanne
Flashcards by Alicia Suzanne, updated more than 1 year ago
Alicia Suzanne
Created by Alicia Suzanne almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
__% of adults are obese 35
__% of adults are overweight 34
__% of adults are underweight 1.7%
__ fat is more metabollically active than fat in other areas visceral
Sex hormone binding globulin reduced by high levels of insulin, increases testosterone production which interferes with egg production
obese men tend to have low __ levels and high __ levels testosterone; estradiol
first choice of treatment for metabolic syndrome is: weight loss
low BMI reduces GnRH
hypothalamic ammenorrhea no period due to low weight
Female athlete triad loss of period, eating disorder, and osteoperosis
Can low estrogen hurt your bones? yes
teratogenic produce malformations (pregnancy)
congenial abnormalities present at birth, malformations in metabolic processes or body
type 1 diabetes is considered an __ disease autoimmune
PKU inherited error in metabolism that keeps an amino acid from being broken down
what diet manages PKU low phenylalanine
PKU diets maintain phenylalanine in the range of 120-360
What foods should be excluded from a PKU diet? wheat, meat, fish, eggs
if a food has less than __ ppm or __ mg it is gluten free 10, 3 mg
PMS = __ phase leutal
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