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Created by Samantha Van Iersel
over 7 years ago
Question | Answer |
Metaphor | A comparison between two unlike things where one is said to be the other "The night sky IS a cloak of darkness" |
Simile | A comparison between two unlike things using 'like' or 'as' "As hungry AS a wolf" |
Personification | A comparison where an animal or object is given human qualities "The trees NUDGED against eachother" |
Alliteration | The repetition of similar consonant sounds "bright, bold blocks of wood" |
Assonance | The repetition of similar vowel sounds "Moaning bones" |
Onomatopoeia | Words which sound like the noise they make "Thwack, hiss, thump" |
Rhyme | Similar end sounds to words "Red head" |
Rhythm | The pattern of stressed syllables in the line. This may make you read fast or slow conveying meaning |
Adjective | A word which describes nouns and pronouns "The green grass, the fast train" |
Comparative | Comparing two things "This chocolate is tastier/better/bigger than that one" |
Superlative | Comparing more than two things "This is the tastiest/best/biggest chocolate on the market" |
Pronoun | Stands in place of a noun "I, we, us, me, our, you" |
Antithesis | Setting one thing against another to create a contrast "Black and white" |
Antonym | Words that are opposite in meaning "Hot/cold" |
Cliché | An overused word or phrase "She was as good as gold" |
Colloquial language | Casual expressions used informally "Guys, chooks, kids, mates" |
Compound words | Two words used together to convey a single meaning "Weekend, gorse-green, kind-hearted" |
Contraction | Words combined through the use of an apostrophe creating an informal tone "Can’t, it’ll, didn’t, could’ve" |
Humour | Influences opinions, puts reader/audience at their ease |
Hyperbole | A deliberate exaggeration "It is as cold as ice in this room" |
Imperative | Commanding/telling someone to do something "Buy our product now, before it’s too late!" |
Jargon | Often technical language relating to a particular topic or profession "Tennis jargon – 40-love, serve, singles, doubles, deuce" |
Listing | To emphasise a point or idea "She smiled, pleaded, wept, shouted and finally threatened in order to get what she wanted" |
Minor sentence | Lacks either subject or verb or both, but makes sense in context "Having a good time?" |
Neologism | A newly made up word "Ezibuy" |
Narrative viewpoint | The viewpoint from which the story is told. First person – the narrator is telling the story. Look for first person pronouns e.g. I/we. Third person – the narrator is outside the story. Look for third person pronouns, names and common nouns e.g. he, she, Mary, the man |
Parallel structure | Phrases and groups of words are repeated for emphasis |
Personal anecdote | A personal story which helps establish a relationship between the writer/speaker and the audience through a shared experience |
Pun | A play on words where a word has more than one effect "The expression on the dead man was grave" |
Register | Form of language used "Colloquial, formal, personal" |
Repetition | The repetition of the same word or phrase usually to emphasise an idea "It’s more money, more cars, more holidays" |
Rhetorical question | A question requiring no answer but asks the reader to think about it "What passing-bells for those who die as cattle?" |
Slang | Current or popular expressions, often offensive "Cool, awesome" |
Slogan | Words associated with something particular (a catchphrase) "Just do it" |
Synonym | Words that have the same meaning "Tired/weary" |
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