Understanding Packages


Basic Questions of the SCJA Study Guide CX 310 - 019
Flashcards by britta7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by britta7 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
To paint basic graphics and images, which package should you use? Java AWT API package
To create lightweight components for GUI, which package should you use? Java Swing API package
To utilize data streams, which package should you use? Java Basic I/O package (Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system.) java.io
To develop a networking application, which package should you use? Java Networking API package (java.net)
To work with the collections framework, event model, and date/time facilities, which package should you use? Java Utilities API package (java.util)
To utilize the core Java classes and interfaces, which package should you use? core Java Language package (java.lang)
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