vocabulari anglès.


hi ha el vocabulari dels capitols de la 2PNT d'angles
carlota baldovi justo
Flashcards by carlota baldovi justo, updated more than 1 year ago
carlota baldovi justo
Created by carlota baldovi justo over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
still quieto
to treat tratar
guilt culpa
fog niebla
a bracelet una pulsera
to prevent smb from doing smth evitar, impedir
power enrgía
asleep dormido
to postpone posponer, retrasar.
an appointment cita, hora.
suspicious sospechoso
in a bad temper de mal humor
a relief asistencia, socorro
to cahange smb's mind cambiar de decisión
a bruise moratón
a spy espía
to lean out asombrarse
to creep trepar
a flower pot maceta
to be involved involuctado
to take smb in turns hacer turnos
to get rid of tener la intención
intend pretender
amazement asombro
a month's wages paga mensual
suitable adecuad@
astonishing increible
to leave for a place ir a un sitio
accomodation cuarto, abitación
to forgive perdonar
grin sonrisa enorme
to deceive engañar
to resign renunciar
to faint desmayarse
disease enfermar
to bury enterrar
to get in touch with smb estar en contacto
impressive impresionante
to bear soportar
to kneel arrodillarse (knelt)
a grave tumba
disappointment desilusión
to lay echar
veil velo
gravestone lápida mortuoria
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