Terminology and good phrases


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Enyel Martinez
Flashcards by Enyel Martinez, updated 4 months ago
Enyel Martinez
Created by Enyel Martinez 4 months ago

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Question Answer
To be at the cutting edge Definition: To be at the forefront of new developments or technology; to be very advanced. Sentence: This smartphone is at the cutting edge of technology with its foldable screen.
A breakthrough in Definition: A significant and important discovery or development that makes progress in a particular field. Sentence: Scientists made a breakthrough in cancer treatment that could save millions of lives.
To have state-of-the-art technology Definition: To have the most advanced and modern technology available. Sentence: The new factory has state-of-the-art technology that makes production faster and more efficient.
To be a real game changer Definition: Something that drastically changes the way things are done or thought about, often for the better. Sentence: The electric car was a real game changer, transforming the automotive industry.
In internet → On the internet Incorrect: "I found it in internet." Correct: "I found it on the internet."
To put things in the internet → To post information, a comment, an opinion on the internet Incorrect: "I put my thoughts in the internet." Correct: "I posted my thoughts on the internet."
To upload information, a document, a file to a server / to a platform / a website Incorrect: "I uploaded the file to the internet." Correct: "I uploaded the file to a platform."
To go to internet → To access / go on / use the internet Incorrect: "I will go to internet later." Correct: "I will access the internet later."
To look something in internet → To look for something on the internet or To search the internet for something Incorrect: "I looked for the recipe in internet." Correct: "I searched the internet for the recipe."
I don’t have internet → I don’t have internet access Incorrect: "I don’t have internet." Correct: "I don’t have internet access."
I have Facebook / Instagram → I have a Facebook / Instagram account Incorrect: "I have Facebook." Correct: "I have a Facebook account."
In Facebook / Instagram → On Facebook / Instagram Incorrect: "I posted it in Facebook." Correct: "I posted it on Facebook."
Actualization → Update Incorrect: "I need an actualization of the app." Correct: "I need an update of the app."
The last inventions → The latest inventions Incorrect: "The last inventions are impressive." Correct: "The latest inventions are impressive."
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