Created by Andrea Pan
almost 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
Hypatia de Alejandría (370-415) | A mathematician and philosopher in ancient Alexandria, Hypatia contributed to the study of algebra, astronomy, and mechanics. She was one of the first women to study and teach mathematics. |
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) | Known as the world's first computer programmer, Lovelace worked with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine and created the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. |
Emmy Noether (1882-1935) | Noether was a German mathematician who made significant contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Her work on the conservation laws of nature revolutionized the field. |
Maryam Mirzakhani (1977-2017) | Mirzakhani was an Iranian mathematician who worked on hyperbolic geometry and was the first woman to win the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics. |
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) | Although best known for her work in nursing, Nightingale was also a notable statistician and mathematician. She contributed to the development of statistical graphics and pie charts. |
Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) | Kovalevsky was a Russian mathematician who made significant contributions to the study of partial differential equations and mechanics. She was the first woman to obtain a doctorate in mathematics. |
Grace Hopper (1906-1992) | Hopper was a pioneer in computer science and invented the first compiler, a program that translates instructions into code that can be read by a computer. |
Katherine Johnson (1918-2020) | An African American mathematician, Johnson calculated trajectories and launch windows for NASA's early space missions, including the first manned mission to the moon. |
Margaret Hamilton (1936) | She is an American mathematician and computer scientist who developed the navigation software for NASA's Apollo missions. She was one of the first software programmers in history. |
Karen Uhlenbeck (1942) | Uhlenbeck is an American mathematician who has made important contributions to the fields of differential geometry and gauge theory. In 2019, she became the first woman to win the Abel Prize, often called the Nobel Prize of mathematics. |
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