Chicano English


Flashcards on Chicano English, created by Andrea Romero on 03/04/2019.
Andrea Romero
Flashcards by Andrea Romero, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Romero
Created by Andrea Romero over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Chicano English Chicano English emerges from the linguistic environment in which there is an interaction between Mexican Spanish and English
Chicano English Chicano English emerges from the linguistic environment in which there is an interaction between Mexican Spanish and English
Chicano English is Not:​ English influenced by Spanish​ The result of learning English as a second language
Interlanguage An interlanguage is an idiolect that has been developed by a learner of a second language (or L2) which preserves some features of their first language (or L1) and can also overgeneralize some L2 writing and speaking rules. These two characteristics of an interlanguage result in the system's unique linguistic organization.
What is Caló?​ &​ Fossilization in Chicano English asina, ansi, naiden, lamber, trujo, escuro, vide, anque, adrede, and dijieron among others (qtd. in De León 135).
Code-Switching Include a single word from Spanish with Spanish pronunciation within an English discourse.​ Include an entire Spanish phrase within an English sentence.​ Speak one sentence in Spanish and another in English in the same conversation.
Stress and Pitch Patterns Stressed is often placed on one syllable prefixes as well as roots which is elongated ​ The patterns can occur at any point during the conversation.​ The rising intonation does not indicate a Question but can be missinterpretated.
Merging of /sh/ and /ch/​ According to Joyce Penfield 1985​ Speakers of Chicano English freely substitute /ch/ for /sh)
Conclusion ...for a people who cannot entirely identify with neither standard (formal, Castilian) Spanish nor standard English, what recourse is left to them but create their own language?
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