Teaching Listening Techniques


Flashcards on Teaching Listening Techniques, created by karen navas on 25/09/2018.
karen navas
Flashcards by karen navas, updated more than 1 year ago
karen navas
Created by karen navas over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Author Info Name: Karen Nathalie Navas Corado Student ID: 20181492 UPANA Course: Teaching Techniques for Listening and Speaking.
Introduction The listening skill is the hardest one to develop. That's why educators should expose their students to different situations and accents in order to help them discriminate information received in linguistic and para-linguistic language.
Why is listening difficult? Listening can be a challenge for language learners since there are many factors to consider when receiving verbal information. It's not as structured as written language and there are many aspects to grasp while listening. For example, colloquial language or intonation of words can change the meaning to a phrase.
Clustering Break down speech into smaller groups of words. It will become easier for learners to understand when dividing language structures into chunks.
Examples Listening to a word and brainstorming related words. Listen to a list of words and categorize them.
Redundancy Learners can profit themselves from redundancy of the spoken language. Rephrasing, repetitions, elaborations and insertions may help hearers process the information and react to it.
Examples Watch parts of TV shows for students to identify the insertions and repetitions and them discuss the reason why it was put in the conversation.
Reduced forms It may be useful for learners to be exposed to these shorter versions of the language. Whether they are phonological or morphological, they represent real language use in real life situations.
Examples Listening comprehension based on conversation or monologue where reduced forms appear.
Performance Variables Learners have to train themselves to listen for meaning in the midst of all the distracting performance variables. Such as hesitations, false starts, pauses and corrections.
Examples Expose students to real life situations in which they have to listen to the language. Find differences in a Native U.S. speaker and a Native U.K. speaker.
Colloquial Language Idioms, slang, reduced forms, shared cultural knowledge appear at some point in conversations. Present them to students
Examples Present students idioms and slang as well as correct English. This way, students will not be surprised when encountering these words in a conversation.
Rate of delivery Learners may gradually be introduced to different rates of speech. Native language speakers speak much faster than learners can understand. Start with slower speech and then move to faster speech.
Examples Listening activities that start with a slow pacing at the beginning. Then, little by little increase speaking pace in listening for students to get acquainted with different speaking rates.
Stress, rhythm and intonation Patterns in English language are very important to identify if it's a question or statement. Also to identify sarcasm, insult, solicitation, etc.
Examples Teacher should use the correct intonation when speaking. Self-recording using an app in order to practice the correct stress, rhythm and intonation of the language. Self-correction when needed.
Interaction Learn to keep the chain of listening and responding. Conversation is especially subject to all the rules of interaction: negotiation, clarification, attending signals, turn taking, and topic nomination, maintenance, and termination.
Examples Create conversation activities between students, whether it's a debate, interview, real life situation conversations, etc. Motivate students to speak and learn to listen during the process.
Conclusion We need to keep our classes interactive. Provide learners rich activities in which they can listen but also interact with the material. Help them understand that listening is as important as producing the language. Presenting language in different situations is also a great approach.
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