Verb irregular 4


Flashcards on Verb irregular 4, created by Lola Dagà on 06/03/2018.
Lola Dagà
Flashcards by Lola Dagà, updated more than 1 year ago
Lola Dagà
Created by Lola Dagà over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sing Sang / Sung
Sit Sat / Sat
Sleep Slept / Slept
Smell Smelt / Smelt
Speak Spoke / Spoken
Spend Spent / Spent
Stand Stood / Stood
Steal Stole / Stolen
Swear Swore / Sworn
Swim Swam / Swum
Take Took / Taken
Teach Taught / Taught
Tell Told / Told
Think Thought / Thought
Throw Threw / Thrown
Understand Understood / Understood
Wake Woke / Woken
Wear Wore / Worn
Win Won / Won
Write Wrote / Written
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