1.The AWS Platform - Structure diagram- Refer AWSPlatformServices for exam
2.Global infrastructure -
a)Region-Regional location- is the place where servers are physically placed. - may consist of multiple availability zones - eg 2 or 3. Ref Region.gif
The multiple availability zones in a region mostly will be independant of each other.
b)availability zones - a physical data center
c) Edge locations - are CDN endpoints for cloud front
CDN- Content delivery networks. A package of data. Say the data is in Texas and is requested for in NJ, it travels one time to NJ and is stored in cache in a edge location. For any further requests for the same data from NJ the data doesnt travel again.
There are many more edge locations than regions-eg refer North America Region Edgelocations Map.gif
a) Networking & Content Delivery
VPC- Virtual private cloud - (A virtual data center)
Route 53 - Amazon's DNS- look up public IP address 53 DNS port named after I63
Cloud Front - bunch of edge locations
Direct Connect - Physical direct telephone line between AWS and business network
b) Compute
EC-2 - Virtual machine in the cloud
EC 2 container service - highly scalable, powerful container management service(CMS) using docker containers - Used for clustering
Elastic bean stalk- It lets you upload your code directly to aws, and the bean stalk goes over your code and takes care of provisioning all the infrastructure needed for it
Lambda - Serverless - no access to virtual machines
Light sail - will autodeploy. for those who dont know AWS
c) Storage - refer Storage.gif
S3 - virtual disc in cloud for object based storage- where you can store object - Objects are files - eg media,excel etc But not a db- Simple storage service
Glacier - archive files from S3
EFS - Elastic file service - File based storage and you can share it. You can install DB, applications and can be shared to multiple virtual machines.
Storage gateway - to connect S3 to your own premises or head quarters- its a virtual machine of which you get an image and it connects with s3
d) Databases
RDS - relational database services - It has got number of DB technologies- mysql, sql,poster sql,oracle,arora,maria db
Dynamo DB - No sql DB, extremely scalable
Redshift - Amazon's Data warehousing solution. uses BigData
Elasticache- Caching in cloud. Frequently visited part of a website/application may be cached with Elasticache and thus removing the load off of DB
d) Migration Services
Snowball - import export data to amazon. Its briefcase size application to which you can load terrabytes of data and it connects back to aws- which transfers it to S3.
Snowball edge is the recent upgrade to this
DMS - Database migration services - Transfer/Migrate DBs to cloud, redshift etc. The original DB can also be migrated to something else on AWS - like Oracle on ur premise to arora on AWS
SMS - Server migration services. Migrates servers to cloud- especially useful to migrate the VMs in your premise to cloud. Can migrate 50 servers concurrently
e) Analytics
Athena - Lets run sql queries on S3 objects(files). Essentially converts your csv/json files to searchable databases
EMR- used for big data - like log analysis, financial reporting- at the base it uses hadoop
Cloud Search- Used to create search engine for your website or application. Cloud and Elastic search are similar. Cloud search-fully managed search provided by amazon, elastic is open source
Elastic Search
Kinesis - Realtime analysis/streaming of large data- terra bytes in an hour. usage eg - financial transactions, social media feeds, sentiment analysis for a product
Data pipeline - To move/migrate data . eg migrate data from s3 to dynamo db and vise versa
Quick Sight - Display/Dashboard building based on your data in cloud. Business Analytic tool
f)Security and Identity
IAm - identity & Access management - Assigning access, users etc
Inspector - agent you can install on your virtual machine and it'll give security reports of the processes running on the vm
Certificate manager - Free ssl certificates to use on your domain names
Directory service - Like Microsoft active directory
WAF - Web application firewall - Application level protection. Traditionally firewall protects network level protection. this one provides application level
prevents cross site scripting, sql queries etc
Artifacts - way to access compliance documents
g)Management tools
Cloud watch - monitors AWS environment, you can get cpu utilization, vm utilization, disc utilization
Cloud formation - transform infrastructure to code. The commands etc to put together cloud templates to create/deploy the cloud
Cloud trail - auditing your AWS resources. eg trail to track someone adding user etc
Opsworks - automating deployments using chefs - wats shifts need to research
Config - Configuration rules/alerts so the auditing or notification is set when the condition configured is met
Service Catalog - lets you to configure the authorisation on certain services and not on certain services on each of your ec 2 service
Trusted advisor - aws environment advisor, tips for performance customization etc
Step functions - A way to visualize wats going on in the application- the micro services that are part of the bigger service
SWF- Simple workflow - It facilitates the fulfillment of an order that includes human and automated tasks- Its used in Amazon fulfillment centers
API Gateway- Doorway to access the backend services. Lets you create, manage maintain services which your app uses to access backend data.
AppStream - Streaming desktop apps to users
Elastic Transcoder - Used with videos, converts any video format to a type compatible to the receiving/client devices
i)Developer Tools
Codecommit- Its github in the cloud . Lets u store your code open or closed
CodeBuild- To build your code on cloud. Paid by per minute
Code Deploy-Deploy your code to EC2 instance in an automated & very regulated fashion
CodePipeline- Version control - track different versions of code like test,stage,uat etc
j) Mobile Services
Mobile hub- add,create & design services for your mobile app- includes user authentication, data storage, push notifications etc
AWS has a separate console for mobile apps which is part of Mobile hub
The console has different parts listed below.
Cognito - helps to integrate sign in/sign out to your apps , helps integrate with different socio identity providers
Device Farm- Farm of different devices- provides an environment for you to test your android ios, fire os apps in a farm of different devices
Mobile Analytics - cost effective and efficient way to analyse mobile data
Pinpoint - engage with your app user/get data on user behaviour- its google analytics combined with targeted marketing
k)Business Productivity
Workdocs - Store ur work docs in clouds tied with lot of security
Workmail - exchange in AWS - for sending and receiving emails gateway
l) iOT- to keep track of millions of devices
m) Desktop & App Streaming
Workspaces - like thin client with os installed in cloud workspaces
AppStream 2.0- Stream desktop applications to your users
n)Artificial Intelligence
Alexa - AWS voice service. When you talk to echo it talks to Alexa which connects with the services through lamda
Lex- No need of echo to communicate with alexa. Lex can be embedded within any software
Polly- text to voice service- that's there within alexa
Machine Learning - Feed data set to AWS and the outputs of it ...This will let it predict the output for a similar future dataset
Rekognition - feed a picture and it'll give you the objects in it like a bike, outdoors etc
SNS - Simple notification service - email, sms, publishing
SQS - Queue system - decoupling a application from the message so the app even if its down it can pick the message from the q once it comes back at up
1. aguru.com
2. Checkout AWS soltions architect exam blueprint, $150 for certification
3.Check AWS services on their website
4. angolia - related to cloud/elastic search
5. Learn more on ssl certificates and how they work
6. From iam section-3- research on power users
7. Read S3- FAQ
8. DHOBI - rtmp protocol
9. read S3 FAQ
To Review
Elastic Map Reduce
Storage Gateway
Specs for RRS, IA & S3