Structures & Functions Week 1 Public

Structures & Functions Week 1

Gianna Mejia
Course by Gianna Mejia, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


This course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge of the general structure and function of the human body. Lectures will emphasize the concept of homeostasis and the relationship between homeostatic imbalance and diseases. Moreover, this course lays the foundation for the basic understanding of future classes such as pathophysiology, pharmacology and pharmacotherapy which are crucial in formulating evidence-based therapeutic interventions.

Module Information

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Complementary branches of science Anatomy: Structure of body parts and their relationship to one another   Physiology: Function of the body (how body parts work to sustain life activities)   Pathology: The study of the essential nature of disease, including symptoms/signs, pathogenesis, complications, and morphologic consequences such as structural and functional alterations in cells, tissues, and organs
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Branches of Anatomy Gross Anatomy (Macroscopic) Regional Anatomy - Systemic Approach Surface Anatomy Microscopic Anatomy Developmental Anatomy Pathological Anatomy Radiologic Anatomy
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Gross Anatomy (Macroscopic): the branch of anatomy that deals with the structure of organs and tissues that are visible to the naked eye.
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Gross Anatomy (Macroscopic): the branch of anatomy that deals with the structure of organs and tissues that are visible to the naked eye.
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Regional Anatomy: the study of anatomy based on regions or divisions of the body and emphasizing the relations between various structures (muscles and nerves and arteries etc.) in that region.
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Systemic anatomy: the anatomy of different organ systems, such as the respiratory or nervous system.
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Surface anatomy (also called superficial anatomy and visual anatomy) is the study of the external features of the body. Surface anatomy deals with anatomical features that can be studied by sight, without dissection.
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Microscopic anatomy: branch of anatomy that relies on the use of microscopes to examine the smallest structures of the body; tissues, cells, and molecules.
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Developmental Anatomy: the field of embryology concerned with the changes that cells, tissues, organs, and the body as a whole undergo from a germ cell of each parent to the resulting offspring; it includes both prenatal and postnatal development.
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Pathological Anatomy: the anatomy of abnormal, diseased, or injured tissue.
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Radiologic Anatomy (X-ray anatomy): is anatomy discipline which involves the study of anatomy through the use of radiographic films. The x-ray film represents two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional object due to the summary projection of different anatomical structures onto a planar surface.
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Additional terms to know: Anatomy: the study of the structure of the human body. Physiology: the study of the functions of the human body. Histology: the study of tissues. Cytology: the study of cells. Embryology: the study of how body structures form and develop before birth.
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Subdivisions of Physiology   Renal physiology Neurophysiology Reproductive physiology Cardiovascular physiology GIT Endocrinology
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Renal physiology: the study of kidney functions and urine production.
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Neurophysiology: the study of working of nervous system
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Reproductive physiology: the study of functions of reproduction system.
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Cardiovascular physiology: the study of functions of heart and blood vessels.
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GIT: function of gastrointestinal system.
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Endocrinology: the study of functions of endocrine system.
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Anatomical Terms Anatomical Position Supine Prone Anatomical Plane Sagittal Mid- Para- Frontal Anterior/Ventral Posterior/Dorsal Transverse Superior Inferior Proximal Distal Medial Lateral Cranial Caudal Palmar Volar
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