Writing Quiz


Expressing your opinion, describing a situation, persuading an audience, informing and argumenting may be challenging tasks... although, they can't be that difficult! Now, your are going to carry out five assignments related to all what you have practiced about reading and writing. You MUST submit them in time and THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL -DO NOT COPY FROM
Alex Bohórquez
Note by Alex Bohórquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Bohórquez
Created by Alex Bohórquez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Expressing your opinion, describing a situation, persuading an audience, informing and argumenting may be challenging tasks... although, they can't be that difficult! Now, your are going to carry out five assignments related to all what you have practiced about reading and writing. You MUST submit them in time and THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL -DO NOT COPY FROM ANY OF YOUR CLASSMATES CREATIONS.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSca-T2IC0jGUpJ_4bkQ5MIbFEGm4nwJUIQCizghCNqeWi82TQ/viewform?...

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