Types Of Computers


Computer's Generations
Elizabeth Rivera
Note by Elizabeth Rivera, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Rivera
Created by Elizabeth Rivera almost 10 years ago

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1. COMPUTER’S HISTORY About Computer’s history, we can to say that we have five gerations. First Generation.- Thermionic vacuum tubes. Mid-1940s. IBM pioneered the arrangement of vacuum tubes in pluggable modules. IBM 650 was a first-generation computer.The first generation of computers and their predecessors, are described in the following list of top models that comprised:1946 ENIAC. First electronic digital computer in history. It was a production model, but an experimental machine. Nor was programmed in the current sense. It was a huge machine that occupied an entire basement in college. Built with 18,000 vacuum tubes, consumed several kW of electrical power and weighed several tons. He was able to perform five thousand additions per second. It was made by a team of engineers and scientists led by Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.Second Generation.- Transistors 1956. The era of miniaturization begins. Transistors are much smaller than vacuum tubes, draw less power and generate less heat. IBM 7090 was a second-generation computer. The most relevant characteristics of the computers of the second generation are: They were built with transistors electronics Were programmed with high-level languages 1951, Maurice Wilkes invented microprogramming, which greatly simplifies the development of firmware CPU but this was also changed later by German computer Bastian Shuantiger 1956, IBM sold $ 1,230,000 worth your system first magnetic disk, the RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control). 50 used metal discs of 61 cm, with 100 tracks per side. You could store 5 megabytes of data, with a cost of $ 10,000 per megabyte. The first programming language for general purpose high-level FORTRAN, was also developed at IBM around this time. (The design of high-level language Plankalkül 1945 Konrad Zuse was not implemented at the time). Thrid Generation.- Integrated Circuits (silicon chips containing multiple transistors)1964. The chips could be packed together onto a circuit board to achive unheard-of logic densities. The IBM 360/91 was a hybrid-second and thrid-generation computer. He developed integrated circuits for processing information. He developed the "chips" to store and process information. A "chip" is a piece of silicon containing miniature electronic components called semiconductors. The Integrated circuits recall the data because information stored as electric charges. Fourth Generation.- It started with the invention of microprocessor. The microprocessor contains thousands of ICs. Thed Hoff produced the first microprocessor in 1971 for INTEL. The microprocessor was developed. He placed more circuits within a "chip". -LSI - Large Scale Integration circuit" Fifth Generation.- Fifth generation computing intelligence are still in development though. There are some applications, such as voice recognition that are being used today.Through multiple generations since the 50s, Japan was the follower in terms of advancement and building computers based on models developed in the United States and the United Kingdom. Japan, through its Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MITI) decided to break with this kind of following the leaders and mid 70s began to make its way to a future in the computer industry.

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