Eating Habits Phrases


Eating Habits in Britain
Andrea Brenes
Note by Andrea Brenes, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Brenes
Created by Andrea Brenes almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Talking about Eating Habits-Phrases

I like _______________.  I love ____________.   I don't like _____________.  I hate ____________.   What is your favorite food?   My favorite food is ____________________. What is your favorite dish?    My favorite dish is ____________________ . What do you like to eat? I like ______________ . What do you dislike to eat?  I don't like __________________. What do you usually have for breakfast? I have / I eat _________________. What do you usually have for lunch? I have / I eat _________________. What do you usually have for dinner? I have / I eat ________________. What vegetables do you eat? I eat ________________. What fruits do you eat? I eat ___________________. How often do eat fast food? I eat fast food once a week.        

Page 2

Eating Habits - Video

Watch the following video about eating habits.  Then, answer the questions.

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