Created by Alexandru Sandor
about 5 years ago
Question | Answer |
What does the "Wheel of Science" contain ? | 1. RQ 2. Theory 3. Hypothesis 4. Operationalisation 5. Data collection 6. Data Analysis |
Why is a good research design so important ? | 1. Poor design = poor research 2. Vital in order to understand empirical research 3. Vital for term papers, theses & exams |
What are the criteria of a good research question ? | 1. clear & succinct 2. important in the real world 3. should contribute to existing research 4. shouldn't bee too broad |
What kind of questions should you ask in your RQ ? | - open endend "how" & "why" questions about your general topic => consider the "why" of your topic ! |
What 5 questions should you ask to evaluate your RQ ? | Is your RQ: 1. clear 2. focused 3. complex 4. too broad 5. too complex |
What is the second step of the Research Design ? | The Literature review ! |
Why do you conduct a literature review ? | - to review previours work on your topic => sharpen your RQ - find a new puzzle: something that has not been investigated yet - develop explanations for observed phenomena - identify data sources that others have used |
What shoud be sure regarding the RQ ? | That your RQ has not been answered ! |
How many literature should you use ? | - depends on the available ressources - most relevant literature |
What should you keep in mind when conducting a literature review ? | - use electronic databases e.g JSTOR - learn the keywords of your topic - manage your citations (Citavi, Zotero) |
What is the third step of your Research design ? | Theory |
Why do we need theories ? | 1. expand knowledge 2. improve existing theories 3. simplify 4. generalise 5. predict 6. highlight exceptions |
What is the criteria for a useful theory ? | - testable - logically consistent - communicable (understandable) - general - persimonious (sparsam) |
What are the two types of theory building? | 1. Induction 2. Deduction |
What are the key points of building a theory through Induction ? | - broad generalizations - conclusions are drawn frin the data => first data then observation - go from the specific to the general => then: infer an explanation/ theory |
What is the "Bottom up" approach? | - happens at Induction Steps: 1. Observe 2. Detect patterns 3. Formulate hypotheses 4. Develop theory as conclusion |
What kind of research is the "Bottom up" approach and how does it look like ? | - more qualitative research 1. Start with data 2. infer conclusions from the data 3. Tend to do qualitative research |
What are the key points for building a theory through Deduction ? | - start with a general statement/ hypotheses => explain possibilities to reach a specific/ logical conclusion |
How does the procedure for a Deduction look like ? | - proceed from theory => observation |
What are the steps of the "Top Down" approach ? | 1. Develop theory 2. Reduce to testable hypotheses 3. Make observations 4. Evaluate hypotheses |
From what to what moves deduction ? | - moves from idea => observation - more general => more specific |
What kind of research is deduction and how does the approach look like ? | - more quantiative 1. Start with a theory 2. Confirm a hypothesis 3. Tend to make quantiative research |
What are the key points of interpretive theories as an alternative to deduction & induction ? | - reject the scientific method - Reject that there is a "real world" - can interpret but NOT explain the real world - Narratives instead of theories to explain |
What is the fourth step of the research design ? | Hypothesis ! |
What is a "Hypothesis" ? | - statement which we believe to be true - testable statements linked to our RQ |
What happens when a hypothesis has been verified as "true" ? | It becomes a theory ! |
What is a good hypothesis ? | - educated guess/ prediction of what will happen - proposes relationship between variables - relates on a dependent & independent variable |
By what is the effect of the dependent variable determined ? | By what happens what happens when you infleunce the independent variable ! |
As what sentence is a good hypothesis written & why ? | As an "if"- statement, in order to establish cause & effect on the variables |
What is the question for the dependent variable ? | How does it change when you influence the independent variable ? |
What happens to the independent variable, when you change/ influence it ? | The dependent variable will respond ! |
Give through an experiment an example for the dependent and independent variable ! | Can be anything ! |
What are questions, you should answer after writing a hypothesis (to evaluate it) ? | 1. Does it rely on IV & DV => can you indentify them ? 2. Can you test the hypothesis ? => can you design an experiment to establish the validity of the hypothesis ? 3. Is there a simplier/ more precise way to express the hypothesis ? |
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