VL8 Creativity in Organization


Flashcards on VL8 Creativity in Organization, created by Christian Weibel on 27/05/2018.
Christian Weibel
Flashcards by Christian Weibel, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Weibel
Created by Christian Weibel almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of Creativity - Discover sth new - Realting unrelated things - Put together things in a novel way - Develop new ideas, concepts, and processes - Problem solving
Key Factors for Creativity in Organizaion - Expertise / Knowledge - Creative thinking - Motivation
5 Steps of Creative Process 1. Preparation - Problem? 2. Frustration - Dead ends 3. Incubation - Unconciously work on solution 4. Illumination - "Aha" moment 5. Elaboration - Refinement
What makes people creative? - Available means - Personality - Experience - Urgency - Preparedness
Factors inhibiting creativity - Stress - Excessive workload - Mental blocks - Either or thinking - Security hunting - Stereotyping - Probability thinking
Organizational blocks to creativity - Too much bureaucracy - Poor communication - Tight financial control - Insufficient training- Lack of organizational slab
Discovery skills - Associating - Questioning - Observing - Experimenting - Networking
Factors influencing creativity 1. Autonomy: - Sense of ownership and control - Believe in having a choice 2. Resources: - Perception of adequacy of resources - Beliefs about intrinsic values
Creativity techniques 1. Brainstorming 2. Why? Why? Exercise 3. Analogy 4. Problem reversal 5. Forced analogy 6. Opposites attract
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