Common-sense SAT exam tips


A slide set with some practical advice to help you settle in and get off to the best possible start in the SAT.
Daniel Burns
Slide Set by Daniel Burns, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Burns
Created by Daniel Burns over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Common-sense tips for the SAT
    Exam tips generally tend to center on a few key themes such as solid preparation, communication with peers and teachers, study planning, diet and getting enough rest.These are all great tips, but there are plenty more areas that they leave uncovered, such as what to look for and what further actions you can take while actually in the exam itself.So here's a slide set with some practical advice to help you settle in and get off to the best possible start.

Slide 2

    Cross off answers you know are wrong
    Use a process of elimination to get rid of answers you know are wrong, such as answers that use extremes (i.e. always, never), generalizations, similar-sounding words, and anything else that seems off to you. To make this even clearer, physically cross off wrong answer choices so you won’t be tempted to reconsider them.By doing this you’ll increase the probability of getting the answer correct if you can get rid of even a single choice.

Slide 3

    Start off easy
    The SAT is a time-limited test so making the most of the time you've got is really important.You can free up some additional time by tackling the easier questions first so that you can dedicate more time to the longer reading sections.By doing this, you'll feel less pressure, more comfortable with the process and you'll be able to concentrate on tasks that but better.

Slide 4

    Make it your own space
    Ok, so an exam hall is never going to feel just like home, but that's ok - you don't want to feel complacent; you want to feel sharp and focused.At the same time, it's best to take the edge off by familiarizing yourself with your environment and making the best of the space you have. In other words, choose a spot that isn't going to disturb your concentration such as the entrance (people coming and going), air vents or draughty spots.Also, bring some water in case you feel thirsty during the exam, and maybe even a power bar or piece of fruit.

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    Wear comfortable clothing
    The day of the test all you will want to do is to stay focused on the task in hand. What you don't need are unwelcome distractions.In other words, now is probably not the time to squeeze into your super-skinny jeans. If you’re uncomfortable, your brain will expend precious energy bothering you to fix the problem. On the flip side of the coin, do over-cozy it either. Avoid wearing sweat pants or anything else that's liable to make you feel so comfy that you begin to feel a little drowsy.

Slide 6

    Reading someone else's handwriting can be a bit of a challenge at the best of times. Much less reading the handwriting of someone who's in a big hurry to jot down as much information as they possibly can.But consider this: if an examiner cannot read your writing then the chances are that you're not going to get any points for what you've written. So make sure you go back through your written answers and rewrite any word that isn't legible
    Write clearly
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