48. Loud Noises Startle and Get Attention


Slide Set on 48. Loud Noises Startle and Get Attention , created by crupe000 on 21/09/2015.
Slide Set by crupe000, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by crupe000 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Chapter 48 Using noises can increase interactivity and engagement. You can use sounds in design that occur when people perform (or are about to perform) some sort of action.
    Loud Noises STARTLE And Get Attention
    Caption: :

Slide 2

    People Habituate to Stimuli
    If certain sounds (or other stimuli) occur frequently enough, people begin to tune them out.*Dropping something heavy (thus making a loud, banging noise) is more startling in a quiet library than in a busy auto repair shop."Your unconscious mind is constantly surveying your environment making sure there is nothing in it that is dangerous. That's why anything new or novel in the environment will get your attention." (Weinschenk 110)Using sound is most effective when it's used sparingly.

Slide 3

    Pick sounds that are appropriate to the action- high attention sounds should be used for things that are more important/urgentIf using sounds to get attention, consider changing them so they continue to get attention.
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