Taleem Quran English Quiz Week 8


Taleem Quran English By Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user over 7 years ago
TQ English Quiz
Copied by TQ English Quiz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

صمن بكمن عمين [blank_start]فهم لا يرجعؤن[blank_end]
  • فهم لا يرجعؤن
  • ظلمات لا يبصرؤن
  • ؤما كانؤ مهتدين

Question 2

What is the root word ; plural and meaning of صاعقة
  • صؤاعق ص ء ع meaning thunderbolt
  • صؤاعق؛ ص ع ق meaning thunder bolt
  • سؤاعق؛ ص ء ق meaning thunderbolt

Question 3

How does Allah encompass the kafireen?
  • He is physically present around them.
  • In knowlege: He knows what they think , do , say.
  • In power: They can never escape the grasp of Allah in retribution and punishment.

Question 4

Just like closing our eyes and ears will not protect us from thunderbolts , similarly putting a deaf eye and ear to our sins and actions will not make our sins any lesser.
  • True
  • False

Question 5

What do we learn from ayat 17? Check the correct answer
  • Hypocrites bought misguidance over guidance and deviation over righteousness.
  • The hypocrite can find his way back from darkness into light.
  • This ayat does not talk about the one who turns away from Islam after being guided to it.

Question 6

What are the root letters and meaning of the word mashaw مشؤ
  • م ش ؤ meaning to walk
  • م ش ي meaning to walk
  • م ش ي to illuminate

Question 7

The plural of اذن is آذانهم (ears)
  • True
  • False

Question 8

What takes (light) eeman away from a person?
  • Nifaq and hypocrisy in failing to do what Allah has commanded us to do.
  • Dishonesty and lies.
  • When we dont revive our eeman by doing something good.
  • Accepting Islam for wordly gains .
  • They spend in the way of Allah
  • Doing crimes and committing sins.
  • Strenght of faith

Question 9

Translate the ayat: فلما اضاءت ما حوله ذهب الله بنؤرهم ؤ تركهم في ظلمت لا يبصرؤن
  • Their example is like example of one who ; he kindled a fire.
  • Then when it illuminated what surrounded him; he took away; Allah;with their light and he left them in darkness ; not they see.
  • They put their fingers in their ears from the thunderbolts due to fear of Allah

Question 10

The first example is of the people who believed but because of their bad deeds they became hypocrites and the second example is of the people who never accepted Islam but only professed so because of the strength of Islam.
  • True
  • False
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