TEXT 2: Martin Luther King's speech


A 5 question quiz helping learners develop their ability to select appropriate quotes to use when comparing texts. This is the partner quiz to the one on Anne Frank's diary extracts.
Sarah Holmes
Quiz by Sarah Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Created by Sarah Holmes almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is different about the type of injustice that Martin Luther King writes about compared to the injustice written about by Anne Frank?
  • King writes about the injustice of a group of people. It is an injustice that affects large numbers and is a national problem. The injustice Anne wrote about was a personal injustice, contained within her family circle and affecting only her.
  • King is making a political point when he writes about the injustice of the persecution of black Americans. He uses it to further his career. Anne does not write about any political injustice despite suffering at the hands of the Nazis.
  • King writes about the physical injustices experienced by black Americans on a daily basis whilst Anne writes about the emotional injustice she suffers at the hands of her mother on a daily basis.

Question 2

Which of the following quotes show that Martin Luther King feels the persecution of black Americans in an injustice? Choose all that apply.
  • battered by the storms of persecution
  • veterans of creative suffering
  • unearned suffering is redemptive
  • sweltering with the heat of injustice
  • Let us not wallow in the valley of despair
  • This is our hope

Question 3

The following quote indicates that Martin Luther King believes violent action is the only way to fight the injustice. Quote: struggle together, go to jail together
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Explain how this quote relates to the comments made by Anne Frank about her personality.
  • It is what is inside that matters

Question 5

One of the key similarities between Martin Luther King's presentation of injustice and that of Anne Frank is that they both believe that the responsibility for ending the injustice lies with the actions of the victims.
  • True
  • False
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