Lesson Seven - Important Sites (Ziyaraat) and Congregational Prayers


Important Sites (Ziyaraat) and Congregational Prayers https://t.me/umrah1445/136 In English Alhamdulillah, we have created a Telegram Channel for our Umrah Group. We will share Umrah Lectures and Resources to Make the Umrah Trip Spiritually Uplifting and Productive. ان شاء الله If you or any of your Family Members plan to do Umrah soon, you are Most Welcome to Join Our Channel and Benefit. https://t.me/umrah1445
Al Huda Canada
Quiz by Al Huda Canada, updated 9 months ago More Less
Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada 10 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 10 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada 9 months ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophetﷺ was climbing Mount Uhud with Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, and it began to quake from them. The Prophetﷺ said, “Be still, Uhud! _______________________________.”
  • It is only a Prophet, a truthful man, and two martyrs upon you
  • It is only a Prophet, and three martyrs upon you
  • It is only a truthful man, and two martyrs upon you

Question 2

The Messenger of Allahﷺ, said, “Whoever purifies himself in his house, then comes to the mosque of Quba and prays in it, he will have a reward like the _____________.”
  • Reward of Sadaqah
  • Reward of Praying 100 Nawafil
  • Reward of Umrah Pilgrimage
  • Reward of Freeing a Slave

Question 3

The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “Prayer in congregation is better than prayer alone by _____________ degrees.”
  • Five
  • Twenty-seven
  • Twenty
  • Ten

Question 4

One who performs `Isha’ prayer in congregation is as if he has performed ___________________. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation is as if he has performed Salah the whole night.
  • Salah for half of the night
  • Umrah
  • Salah the whole night
  • Ruqyah
  • Salah for quarter of the night

Question 5

The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “Supplication is not rejected between __________ and ___________.”
  • Adhaan & Iqaamah
  • Masjid Quba & Jabal Uhud
  • Obligatory Salah & Voluntary Salah
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