ON9 Breast Cancer


PHCY320 (Oncology) Quiz on ON9 Breast Cancer, created by Mer Scott on 07/10/2019.
Mer Scott
Quiz by Mer Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Mer Scott
Created by Mer Scott almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Breast Cancer Epidemiology: - Most common form of cancer in women globally​: Leading cause of cancer [blank_start]death[blank_end] in women worldwide​ Survival rates vary worldwide​; >80% in North America​, <[blank_start]40[blank_end]% in low income countries ​ - Third most common cancer in New Zealand​: 600 deaths every year​ [blank_start]3300[blank_end] women diagnosed each year, 25 men ​ [blank_start]80-92[blank_end]% 10 year survival rate ​
  • death
  • 40
  • 3300
  • 80-92

Question 2

Select all the risk factors for BC.
  • Gene mutation BRCA1/2​
  • Female
  • Male
  • Family history​
  • Age
  • Estrogens
  • Alcohol intake​
  • Post-menopausal obesity​
  • Androgens
  • Smoking

Question 3

Which of these is NOT a protective factor for BC?
  • Exercise
  • Early pregnancy​
  • Breastfeeding
  • Mastectomy​
  • Oophorectomy or ovary oblation​
  • Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
  • Aromatase inhibitors (AIs)​
  • Appendectomy

Question 4

Screening​ strategies depend on estimated risk of cancer​. Mammogram​ [blank_start]Clinical[blank_end] breast exam​ Breast [blank_start]self[blank_end]-exam​ [blank_start]MRI[blank_end] (high risk)​ Biopsy​ CT-scan Follow B.R.A.S: BREAST [blank_start]aware[blank_end], REDUCE [blank_start]risk[blank_end], ACT [blank_start]on changes[blank_end], SCREENING with mammograms [blank_start]over 40[blank_end]
  • Clinical
  • self
  • MRI
  • aware
  • risk
  • on changes
  • over 40

Question 5

Clinical Presentation is variable. Asymptomatic​ Change in [blank_start]general[blank_end] appearance​ New/persistent [blank_start]skin[blank_end] changes​ New nipple [blank_start]inversion[blank_end]​ Nipple [blank_start]discharge[blank_end]​ Pain​ Variable mass size, [blank_start]texture[blank_end] (nodular, thickened area)​ Classically hard, immovable, single lesion irregular borders ​
  • general
  • skin
  • inversion
  • discharge
  • texture

Question 6

Pathophysiology​ - Most common histological types of [blank_start]epithelial[blank_end] breast carcinoma:​ Infiltrating [blank_start]ductal[blank_end] carcinoma (70-80%)​ Infiltrating [blank_start]lobular[blank_end] carcinoma (~8%)​ [blank_start]Mixed[blank_end] ductal/lobular carcinoma (~7%)​
  • epithelial
  • ductal
  • lobular
  • Mixed

Question 7

Which of these is NOT a receptor we test for?
  • HER2
  • Progesterone (PR)​
  • Estrogen (ER)​
  • BRCA​
  • EGFR

Question 8

Choose the incorrect statement.
  • ER and PR are prognostic and predictive factors ​
  • 25% of all cases are hormone receptor positive and so a candidate for hormone tx​
  • HER2 overexpression present in 15-20% of patients and so it is a candidate for HER2 targeted therapy ​

Question 9

Staging​: Stage 0 – Only in [blank_start]ducts and lobules[blank_end] (no spread)​ Stage 1 - Only in [blank_start]breast[blank_end], no nodes Stage 2 - Early, tumour spread to [blank_start]movable axillary[blank_end] nodes Stage 3 - Locally advanced disease, spread to chest [blank_start]wall[blank_end], internal [blank_start]mammary[blank_end] lymph nodes Stage 4 - Advanced or metastatic disease present at [blank_start]distant[blank_end] sites such as bone, liver, lungs, brain
  • ducts and lobules
  • breast
  • movable axillary
  • wall
  • mammary
  • distant

Question 10

Treatment: 1. Surgery​ - Breast-conserving surgery ([blank_start]lumpectomy[blank_end])​ or modified radial [blank_start]mastectomy[blank_end] (removal of entire breast with or without breast reconstruction)​ 2. Radiation - Mostly used in adjuvant setting​, can be targeted or generalized, dose determined by [blank_start]extent[blank_end] of disease​, may be used in Stage IV to palliate [blank_start]symptoms[blank_end] for metastases ​ 3. Systemic Therapy​ - Adjucant: Chemotherapy​, endocrine / hormonal therapy, targeted therapy. Reason for [blank_start]mortality[blank_end] reduction in developed countries. Chemo: - Chemo regimens [blank_start]similar[blank_end] regardless of hormonal status, but anti-HER2 therapy added on to those HER2 [blank_start]positive[blank_end]​ - [blank_start]Anthracycline-based therapy with taxanes[blank_end] (if node positive) appear to have most evidence​ Endocrine: - Used to decrease risk of [blank_start]recurrence[blank_end]​, initiated [blank_start]after[blank_end] chemotherapy complete​ Targeted Anti-HER2 Therapy​: - All are [blank_start]cardiotoxic[blank_end] – need baseline ECHO and follow up​
  • lumpectomy
  • mastectomy
  • extent
  • symptoms
  • mortality
  • similar
  • positive
  • Anthracycline-based therapy with taxanes
  • recurrence
  • after
  • cardiotoxic

Question 11

Endocrine therapy regimens/options: 1. Pre-menopausal - High risk? = [blank_start]LHRH agonist + exemestane 25mg[blank_end] PO daily, for 5 years​ Low risk? = [blank_start]Tamoxifen 20mg[blank_end] PO daily, for 10 years Alternative is surgical oophorectomy or medical menopause [blank_start](LHRH agonist) +/- aromatase inhibitor[blank_end]​ 2. Post-menopausal​ - [blank_start]Aromatase Inhibitor[blank_end] (Letrozole, Anastrozole, Exemestane) OR tamoxifen ([blank_start]2nd line[blank_end]) ​ Aromatase Inhibitors drugs of choice in metastatic disease
  • LHRH agonist + exemestane 25mg
  • Tamoxifen 20mg
  • (LHRH agonist) +/- aromatase inhibitor
  • Aromatase Inhibitor
  • 2nd line

Question 12

Which of the following is most appropriate hormonal therapy for a post-menopausal woman with ER positive breast cancer who has recently finished adjuvant chemotherapy post-total mastectomy? ​
  • Tamoxifen​
  • LHRH agonist + Aromatase inhibitor
  • Aromatase inhibitor​
  • Surgical removal of ovaries 

Question 13

Choose the incorrect statement about Trastuzumab​.
  • Used in metastatic settings​
  • Given as loading dose and maintenance dose (loading dose infused over 90 min to reduce infusion related reactions)​
  • Given for 1 year or until disease progression or metastatic​
  • Can be given with chemo / hormonal therapy but give before cycles with anthracycline are complete​

Question 14

Select ALL correct statements.
  • Chemo and targeted therapies are not used in Stage 0 cancer.
  • Radiation therapy is only used in Stages 0 and 1.
  • Chemotherapy is used in all stages.
  • Targeted therapy if patient is HER2+ is used in Stages 1, 2, and 3.
  • Endocrine therapy is used at all stages if patient is ER-.

Question 15

Match the stage to the general Tx: Stage 0 - [blank_start]Surgery, radiation, +/- endocrine[blank_end] Early stage - [blank_start]Surgery, radiation, chemo,[blank_end] +/- endocrine +/- targeted Locally advanced - [blank_start]Surgery, chemo,[blank_end] +/- endocrine +/- targeted Metastatic - [blank_start]Chemo,[blank_end] +/- endocrine +/- targeted
  • Surgery, radiation, +/- endocrine
  • Surgery, radiation, chemo,
  • Surgery, chemo,
  • Chemo,

Question 16

Rachel is a 42 year old pre-menopausal woman attending a breast cancer screening session. Her mother died of breast cancer at age 64. She eats a healthy diet, surfs at least twice weekly, does not smoke, and drinks approximately 3 glasses of wine per week. She works at Dunedin Hospital in the radiotherapy department but adheres to all safety precautions regarding radiation exposure. She has no history of any breast abnormalities. ​ Identify her risk factors: - Female, estrogen, [blank_start]age, alcohol intake, family history[blank_end] Identify two sctreening options for her: - [blank_start]Mammogram, clinical breast exam[blank_end]
  • age, alcohol intake, family history
  • exercise, non-smoker
  • Mammogram, clinical breast exam
  • MRI, breast self-exam
  • Biopsy, mammogram

Question 17

Linda is a 63 year old post-menopausal woman presenting with early stage (stage 2) breast cancer to the left breast. She is ER and HER2 receptor positive. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be recommended for Linda?​
  • Surgery
  • Adjuvant chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Targeted therapy
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