Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Fath -Verse 6-29


Noorun Ala Nur ---Weekly Tafseer Test --- Surah Fath -Verse 6-29
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

How is "Evil Thoughts about Allah " understood as Choose the Right Answer
  • To believe that Allah's help will never come
  • To believe that ones situation will never improve
  • To despair upon duas not being accepted

Question 2

No matter how difficult a situation one has no right to entertain bad thoughts about Allah. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 3

When one entertains evil thoughts about Allah, then an evil turn of events will befall on him. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Allah says, " I am as my servant thinks I am ". (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 5

What are the consequences of evil thoughts about Allah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Allah's anger upon such a person
  • Allah's curse upon such a person
  • Allah has prepared the hell fire for such people

Question 6

Allah sent the Prophet( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) as a... Choose the Right Answer
  • Shahid : One who testifies to the truth both in the duniya and in the akhirah
  • Mubashir : One who gives good news
  • Nazeera : One who warns

Question 7

Allah sent the Prophet( pbuh ), so that we believe in Allah and His Rasool. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 8

Allah sent the Prophet( pbuh ),so that we also Choose the Right Answer
  • Taa'zeer : Assist Allah / The Prophet
  • Tau'keer : Honour and Respect Allah / The Prophet
  • Tasbih : Glorify Allah morning and evening

Question 9

Ayah 10 : Those who pledged an oath with the Prophet( pbuh ) actually pledged an oath with Allah. The Hand of Allah was above their hands. How do we understand this Ayah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Take this oath very seriously
  • Allah's Help is sure to come
  • Allah will surely guide and give victory

Question 10

Ayah 11 - 12 What are some of the charecteristics of the Munafiq mentioned ? Choose the Right Answer
  • There is a contradiction between their hearts and what they say
  • They are not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of Deen
  • They entertain evil thoughts about Allah

Question 11

Ayah 15 : What was the response of those who stayed back, when the Prophet( pbuh ) told them that they shall not accompany the believers to Khybar ? Choose the Right Answer
  • They willingly obeyed the Prophet( pbuh )
  • They felt sad about losing this opportunity
  • They said, " you are jealous of us "

Question 12

Ayah 15 What is the Kalam Allah understood as ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Spoils of Khybar are exclusively for those who took part in the Bay'a AL Ridwan
  • Those who did not take part in the expedition to Hudayaibiyah will be a part in the expedition to Khybar
  • Those who did not take part in the expedition to Hudayaibiyah can now take part in the expedition to Khybar

Question 13

Ayah 20: Allah has restrained the hands of the enemies from you. Who are the enemies ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The Jews of Khybar
  • The Jews of Asad and Ghatfan
  • The Quraysh of Macca

Question 14

When and Why did the Prophet(pbuh) and the believers March towards Khybar ? Choose the Right Answer
  • In Muharram 7th hijri, the Prophet( pbuh ) marched towards Khybar
  • The enmity of Jews of Khybar was always a threat to Madina
  • Since now there would be no battle for the next 10 years with the Quraysh, the Prophet( pbuh ) could now focus on the Jews

Question 15

What happened at Khybar ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The Prophet( pbuh ) and the believers lay siege at the forts and castles of the Jews in Khybar
  • Over a period of one month, the fortress fell into the hands of the believers, leaving the Jews with no choice but to surrender
  • The Prophet( pbuh ) married Safiya bint Huayy who was the daughter of the leader of Khybar

Question 16

Ayah 21 : Allah promises other spoils as well What is this referring to ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Conquest of Macca
  • Conquest of Taif and the Battle of Hunain
  • Battles with the Persians and the Romans

Question 17

Ayah 23 : Such is the Sunnah of Allah and you shall find no change in the Sunnah of Allah. What is the Sunnah of Allah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Allah will surely protect and help the believers
  • The disbelievers are doomed for destruction
  • The believers will eventually gain victory

Question 18

The Quraysh are guilty, deserve to be fought but Allah does not allow a battle to take place. Why ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Many believers among the men and women lived in Macca hiding their Iman
  • Had the believers fought with the Quraysh, the believers would have killed the believers in Macca, unknowingly
  • Allah wished to admit to His mercy, to those who would later accept Islam

Question 19

Ayah 26 : To which incident is this Ayah referring to. Choose the Right Answer
  • When Ali(ra) was asked to begin the document in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Suhayl bin Amr objected to this
  • Suhayl bin Amr also objected to the fact that Muhammad's name is mentioned as " Prophet Muhammad "
  • To Suhayl's objection the Prophet( pbuh ) erased what Ali( ra) had earlier written and asked him to write "Muhammad bin Abdullah " in place of " Prophet Muhammad ".

Question 20

What lessons do we learn from Ayah 26 ? Choose the Right Answer
  • When one behaves in an irrational manner, it only shows how ignorant he is to his Deen
  • How a person speaks, reacts to an unpleasant situation, only shows his level of Iman
  • But for a true believer, Allah gifts him with sakinah and hence he is calm and does not react even in the most difficult situation

Question 21

Did the Prophet's dream come true ? (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 22

Allah promises victory to the believers, even before Umrah. Which victory is this referring to Choose the Right Answer
  • Conquest of Taif
  • Conquest of Macca
  • The victory of Khybar

Question 23

Ayah 28 : How did you understand the Ayah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Allah sent His Rasool with the Quran and approved Islam as the religion
  • So that He makes Islam victorious over all other religions
  • Sufficient is Allah as a witness

Question 24

What was the characteristics of the companions of Rasullillah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • They were strong and firm on their Deen, they never compromised or got influenced by the disbelievers
  • They were merciful, kind, affectionate towards one another, hence resulted in unity
  • No matter how busy, they never forgot their Ibadah to Allah

Question 25

Allah promises forgiveness and a great reward for those who Believe and Do Amal Saulaiheen. (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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