Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Az Zummar Ayaath 19 - 31


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Az Zummar Ayaath 19 - 31
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

( Ayah 19 ) Can you rescue the one who is in the fire ? How do understand this part of the Ayah ? Select one
  • What can one do, if one does not want to listen to the words of Allah, he is definitely heading towards hellfire.
  • No, you can not rescue anyone from the hellfire.
  • There is no respite for the one who is hellfire.

Question 2

What are " Ghurafun" ? Select one
  • Tiny rooms in Jahanam
  • Large ponds in Jannah
  • Lofty rooms in Jannah

Question 3

What is the Promise of Allah and for whom ? Select one or more
  • High Levels of Jannah for the Mutaqeen
  • Lofty rooms in Jannah for the Mutaqeen
  • Beneath which rivers flow in Jannah for the Mutaqeen

Question 4

" Do you not see how Allah sends down water from the sky ....." What is the lesson for us ? Select one or more
  • Resurrection is inevitable
  • Life is temporary, the zikr of Allah is permanent
  • Where rain gives life to a dead land, zikr of Allah gives life to a dead heart

Question 5

( Ayah 22 ) Who are the ones who are clearly in Error ? Select one
  • Those whose hearts are unaffected by the zikr of Allah
  • Those who make a lot of mistakes in their life
  • Those who never attend a Quran class

Question 6

How is the Quran " Muta'shabihan " ? Select one or more
  • The Ayaath in the Quran have similar meanings
  • There is consistency in the message and no contradictions
  • The Subject is always the same

Question 7

How is the Quran " Masaa'niya " ? Select one or more
  • Repetition of Ayaath
  • Repetition of warnings /commands /good news
  • Ayaath are coupled ; where azab is mentioned, Allah's Mercy is also mentioned

Question 8

" We have created every kind of parable in this Quran " So that we _ Fill in the bank by selecting one
  • So that we finish reading as many Qurans as possible
  • So that we enjoy the parables
  • So that we extract lessons from these parables

Question 9

( Ayah 29 : The slave who has many masters )Does this speak only about those who have faith in Idols or also speaks about those who have become slave to their own nafz and to the people around them. (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 10

( Ayah 30 : O Prophet, you shall die and they too shall die ) Who are "they " and what was the need to say so ? Select one
  • The Jews in Madina, as they troubled the Prophet
  • The Bedouins of Macca, as they disliked the Prophet
  • The Mushriq of Macca as they deeply wished for the death of the Prophet.
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