UNIDAD 1- Mapa conceptual


Mind Map on UNIDAD 1- Mapa conceptual, created by Juani Gaviño Lechuga on 20/08/2017.
Juani Gaviño Lechuga
Mind Map by Juani Gaviño Lechuga, updated more than 1 year ago
Juani Gaviño Lechuga
Created by Juani Gaviño Lechuga over 7 years ago

Resource summary

UNIDAD 1- Mapa conceptual
  1. 1. Asking someone's name
    1. 2. Asking how someone is
      1. 3. Greetings and goodbyes
        1. 4.Introducing someone
          1. 5.Subject pronouns
            1. 6.Sentences verb "SER". Introducing people and saying where they are from. (S V 0)
              1. "SER" Conjugation
                1. Sentences
                2. 7. Askig and giving phone numbers
                  1. Números 1-31
                  2. 8. Asking the time
                    1. 9. Asking the date and day of the week
                      1. Días de la semana
                        1. Meses
                        2. 10. Asking how words are spelled
                          1. 11. Asking e-mail addresses
                            1. Abecedario
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