Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes)


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes), created by T Andrews on 01/08/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Specific topic 7.7 Timber (tools/equipment/processes)
  1. 7.7.1 Tools and equipment
    1. Hand tools
      1. Machinery
        1. Digital design and manufacture
        2. 7.7.2 Shaping
          1. Drilling
            1. Use of rasps and surforms
              1. Cutting
                1. Planing
                  1. Chiselling
                    1. Turning
                      1. Face plate
                        1. Between centres
                        2. Carving
                          1. Abrading
                            1. Glass pape
                          2. 7.7.4 Assembling
                            1. Ironmongery
                              1. Hinges
                                1. Knock-down fittings
                                2. 7.7.3 Fabrication/construction
                                  1. Lamination
                                    1. Addition
                                      1. Veneering
                                        1. Wastage
                                          1. Use of screws
                                            1. Nailing
                                              1. Adhesives
                                                1. PVA
                                                  1. Contact ahesive
                                                  2. Jointing
                                                    1. Butt, dowel, lap,housing, mitre,mortise and tenon, dovetail
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