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The Biological Approach
A Level PY1 Psychology Mind Map on The Biological Approach, created by HeyThereIAmKyle on 18/05/2013.
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The Biological Approach
Selye's GAS Model
GAS Model
General - Same response to all stressors
Adaptation - Healthiest way for body to cope
Syndrome - Several Symptoms
Stage 1 - Alarm
>Stressor is recognised >Hypothalamus triggers adrenaline >Adrenaline rush
Stage 2 - Resistance
>Body begins to adapt >Resources gradually deplete >Body appears to be coping, but it isn't
Stage 3 - Exhaustion
>Body can't maintain normal functioning >Immune system fails (cortisol slows down) >Development of stress related illnesses
Selye's Research with Rats
Selye worked in a hospital and noticed generalised set of symptoms in the patients
He then gave a rat a noxious agent, and they too showed a generalised response regardless of the stressor
Rats were exposed to various noxious agents (cutting of the spinal cord, cold, doses of diverse drugs)
6-48 hours
PHYSIOLOGICAL TRIAD >enlargement of the adrenal glands >ulcers in the digestive system >shrinkage of the immune system
48 hours - 1 month
If treatment was continued internal organs returned to normal functioning
1-3 months
Lost resistance, physiological triad demonstrated again
These results support the DOCTRINE OF NON-SPECIFITY in that the body has the same stress response to all stressors
Behaviour can be explained in terms of different areas of the brain
Different parts of the brain have certain specialised functions
Hypothalamus integrates ANS which is important in stress and emotion
Occipital lobe = vision Frontal lobe = motor movement and thinking
Behaviour can be explained in terms of hormones
Biochemical substances produced in glands
Circulate the blood and target organs
High levels of testosterone could cause aggression
adrenal glands = adrenaline
Strengths and Weaknesses
Nature rather than nurture
Focusses on nature/ignores environmental factors
Belives schizophrenia is to do with neurotransmitters rather than with how patients feel
Reduces complex behaviours to a set of simple explanations
Stress is only down to adrenaline
Lose an understanding of the thing we intend to study, may prevent us reaching a true understanding
R.D Laing (1965) incomplete explanation as it ignores the experience
Scientific Approach
Hormones and neurotransmitters are easily measurable, so scientists can conduct scientific research
Psychosurgery - whether the parts of the brain have an effect on aggression Chemotherapy - link between drugs and production of neurotransmitters
All of these, conduct objective, controlled research and demonstrates causal relationships
Successful Applications
Selye's research with rats has enabled us to gain a better understanding of stress and illness; used in hospitals today
Capsulotomy - 67% recovery rates (Cosgrove and Rauch 2001)
Bipolar - 60% reported improvement (Viguera et al 2000)
The use of treating mental disorders with prescriptive drugs
Antipsychotic Drugs
Used to treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia
Typical Antipsychotics
Combat positive symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking dopamine, by binding to the receptors
Atypical Antipsychotics
Temporarily occupy dopamine receptors then rapidy detatch allowing normal transmission
Less side effects
If parts of the dopamine system become overactive, they seem to play a part in producing hallucinations, delusions and thought disorder.
Effectiveness of Chemotherapy
easy to use and reduces sympstoms of mental disorders
However, can have side effects
Hill (1986) 30% of P's reported uncontrollable movements when using antipsychotics
Ferguson (2005) P's are 20% more likely to commit suicide when taking antidepressants
Placebos are used to test the effectiveness of a drug; whether it's pharmacological or psychological
Kahn (1986) 250 P's over 8 weeks reported BZs were more effective than placebos
However, many studies have been carried out where there hasn't been a significant difference between placebos and drugs
Antidepressant Drugs
Depression is caused by low levels of serotonin in synapses
In a normal brain, neurotransmitters are released from nerve endings. To terminate, they are reabsorbed or digested by enzymes
Anti D's work by reducing the absorbtion rate, or blocking the enzyme that breaks down serotonin
SSRIs such as Prozac block the mechanism that absorbs serotonin
More serotonin = Better moods
Antianxiety Drugs
Slow down the activity of the CNS by enhancing GABA for anxiety relief
40% of neurons react to GABA. Reacts to GABA receptors which increases the flow of Chloride Ions
Chloride Ions hog the neurotransmitters, slowing down the activity, hence creating relaxation
Reduce the activity of adrenaline and noradrenaline, part of the SNS' reaction to stress
Less stress on the heart, blood pressure drops, more relaxed, less anxious
Bind to receptors which are aroused by the SNS, so it's harder to stimulate
Twin Studies
Assumes that genes influence behaviour
Reared Apart
Some twins reared together have the same environment, so seperating them will help us distinguish between genes and environment
Bouchard and McGue found 72% concordance rate for twins reared apart
Reared Together
Bouchard and McGue (1981) studied IQs of MZ and DZ twins
MZ - 86% concordance rates
DZ - 60% concordance rate
MZ twins share 100% of genes, so they make perfect P's when studing the effect of genes on behaviour
Comparing MZ twins reared together and apart has allowed psychologists to make assumptions about the importance of genes and environment
MZ and DZ twins often have the exact same upbringing, therefore we cannot distinguish between genes and environment
Some twins that are reared apart often grow up in similar environments
Brain Scanning
Electrodes are placed on the scalp, and activity in the brain is recorded
Dement and Kleitman (1957) saw slower brain waves when Ps were aleep (REM). Ps that were woken up during REM were more likely to remember their dream
X-Rays produce a model of the brain. Dye is used as a contrast material
High quality x-rays
Useful at identifying tumours
More radiation which could be harmful
Pregnant women
Magnetic field causes brain to emit signals
Maguire et al (2000) demonstrated that taxi drivers have larger hippocampi (spatial memories) than non-taxi drivers
Detailed images
Less harmful than CAT scans
Time consuming and uncomfortable
fMRI gives both anatomical and functional images of the brain
Sugar, most active parts absorb sugar
Raine et al (1997) used PET scans on murders and found more activity in parts of the brain linked with aggression
Radioactive so can only be used a few times
Less precise than MRIs
Only scan to reveal chemical information
Show the brain in action
Assumes that behaviour can be explained in terms of activity of the brain and nervous system
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