secret trust: joint in tenants v tenants in common


Mind Map on secret trust: joint in tenants v tenants in common, created by KD >< on 16/05/2013.
KD ><
Mind Map by KD ><, updated more than 1 year ago
KD ><
Created by KD >< almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

secret trust: joint in tenants v tenants in common
  1. Look at wording of document e.g. equal shares
    1. i- Tenants in Common
      1. Tree v Ferris:
        1. Only those to whom communication is made will be bound
        2. cannot occur if property is land: s.1 (6) LPA 1925
        3. Joint Tenants
          1. Before the creation of the Will
            1. Russell v Jackson (1852): if one accepted, the rest will be bound
            2. Communication after trust made:
              1. Moss v Cooper : only those to whom communication is made will be bound
              2. Re Stead [1900] -
                1. it shouldn’t matter if the testator communicates before or after the will, as long as it is before the testator dies?
                  1. Held: it could see no valid distinction between these 2 categories for joint tenancy, but was bound to follow precedent
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