Part 10


AS levels Z - English AS (Dalloway parts) Mind Map on Part 10, created by Izzy Simmons on 16/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mind Map by Izzy Simmons, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Simmons
Created by Izzy Simmons over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Part 10
  1. Death
    1. "How it is certain we must die"
      1. "Clarissa's eyes filled with tears"
        1. "In the middle of my party, here's death"
          1. Death was defiance. Death was an attempt to communicate... there was an embrace in death"
          2. Ellie Henderson
            1. "her weaponless state
              1. "What a thing to tell Edith!"
              2. The Prime Minister


                • Stanley Baldwin
                1. "He looked so ordinary"
                  1. "this symbol of what they all stood for, English society"
                  2. The party
                    1. Catalyst for showing gulf between Peter and Clarissa
                      1. Has own life
                        1. Free indirect discourse
                        2. "did it matter in the least, one Prime Minister more or less?"
                          1. "so it wasn't a failure after all!"
                          2. "The snobbery of the English"
                            1. "How they loved dressing up in gold lace and doing homage!"
                              1. "Lady Bruton detested illness in the wives of politicians"
                                1. "Debarred by her sex"
                                2. Clarissa
                                  1. "she was at her worst - effusive, insincere"
                                    1. "Why, after all, did she do these things?"
                                      1. "felt herself a stake driven in at the top of the stairs"
                                        1. "There was a breath of tenderness; her severity, her prudery, her woodenness were all warmed through now"
                                          1. "Kilman her enemy"
                                          2. Sally Seton
                                            1. "She loomed through a mist... to think of her under this roof"


                                              • Mist = uncertainty of memory. Since it has been so long and Clarissa did not expect it, her recognition of Sally would have been like the slow realisation of what something is coming through a mist
                                              1. "she had the simplest egotism"
                                                1. "But her voice was wrung of its old ravishing richness"
                                                  1. "her warmth; her vitality"
                                                  2. Link to Septimus
                                                    1. "the Bradshaws, whom she disliked"
                                                      1. "one wouldn't like Sir William to see one unhappy"
                                                        1. "the Bradshaws talked of death"
                                                          1. "somehow it was her disaster - her disgrace"
                                                            1. "Life is made intolerable"
                                                              1. "She walked to the window"
                                                                1. "She felt somehow very like him"
                                                                2. "at their age, she and Peter would have been arguing all evening"
                                                                  1. "If it were now to die, 'twere now to be most happy"


                                                                    • Othello, also said when Clarissa's thinking about happy she was to know Sally
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                                                                    Part 1
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 4
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    WE'VE FINISHED OEDIPUS
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 2
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 7
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 3
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 5
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 6
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 8
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Part 9
                                                                    Izzy Simmons
                                                                    Woolf uses external events to reveal the inner lives of her characters
                                                                    Izzy Simmons