Medical Terminology


Med Tech Mind Map on Medical Terminology, created by the_jake12 on 16/05/2013.
Mind Map by the_jake12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by the_jake12 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Medical Terminology
  1. Decoding Medical Terminology
    1. Word Root
      1. Basic meaning of word
      2. Prefix
        1. Added to beginning of term to modify or limit
        2. Suffix
          1. Ending added to word to dictate whether the word is a noun, adjective, or verb
          2. Combining Form
            1. Root word + vowel for pronunciation
          3. Body Planes, Cavities, and Direction
            1. Directional Terms
              1. Supine - face up
                1. Prone - face down
                  1. Distal - away from attachment site
                    1. Medial - middle
                      1. Proximal - near attachment site
                        1. Lateral - to the sides
                        2. Body cavities
                          1. Dorsal - back side of body
                            1. Ventral - front side of body
                              1. Thoracic - chest cavity
                                1. Abdominal - below diaphragm
                                  1. Pelvic - under abdominal cavity
                              2. Body planes
                                1. Transverse - divides between top and bottom
                                  1. Sagittal - divides between left and right
                                    1. Coronal - divides between dorsal and ventral
                                    2. Abdominal Regions
                                      1. Right hypochondriac region
                                        1. Epigastric region
                                          1. Left hypochondriac region
                                            1. Right lumbar region
                                              1. Umbilical region
                                                1. Left lumbar region
                                                  1. Right iliac region
                                                    1. Hypogastric region
                                                      1. Left iliac region
                                                    2. Common medical equipment
                                                      1. Syringe - used for injections
                                                        1. X-ray machine - medical imaging that can see through tissue but not bone
                                                          1. Ultrasound machine - medical imaging that uses sound waves and can see organs
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