The Warsaw Pact 1955


Mind Map on The Warsaw Pact 1955, created by Sophia Hinchliffe on 03/06/2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mind Map by Sophia Hinchliffe , updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Created by Sophia Hinchliffe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Warsaw Pact 1955
  1. The Warsaw Pact was a defensive alliance like NATO, it was the USSR and its satellites, all its members agreed to help each other in case of war with joint command structure but dominated with the Soviet Union
    1. The USSR continued to fear Germany and the Warsaw Pact was set up in 1955 in respones to Germany gaining NATO
      1. The Warsaw Pact created a Soviet bloc equal to NATO formalising the division of east and west as there were two military alliances
        1. It gave the soviets a chance to place more of its military forces in eastern Europe making it easier to keep the satellites in line
          1. This helped to crush the Hungary uprising
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