Thermochemical principles


A mind map outlining the headings and subheadings for this topic
Billie Sims-Fowler
Mind Map by Billie Sims-Fowler, updated more than 1 year ago
Billie Sims-Fowler
Created by Billie Sims-Fowler over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Thermochemical principles
  1. Shapes of molecules
    1. Replusion pairs of electrons
      1. Bonded/non-bonded
      2. Common shapes (must learn w/ angle
      3. Bonding (Lewis structure)
        1. Ionic bonding
          1. Covalent bonding
          2. Periodic trends
            1. Atomic radii
              1. DOwn a group
                1. Across a period
                2. Ionic radii
                  1. Negative ions
                    1. Positive ions
                    2. Electronegativity (to determine polarity)
                    3. Electronic structure
                      1. Ionisation energy
                        1. Factors
                          1. Defination
                            1. Equation
                              1. Endothermic processess
                              2. Removal of electrons
                                1. Electron configuration
                                2. Intermolecular forces
                                  1. Solubility (in water)
                                    1. Able to hydrogen bond with water molecules (pg 43)
                                      1. Ammonia gas (NH3)
                                        1. Simple sugars
                                          1. Lower molar mass alcohols
                                        2. Bond strength
                                          1. Energy required to break bonds
                                          2. Forces (pg 39)
                                            1. Temporary dipole (Weaker)
                                              1. Hydrogen bonding (strongest)
                                                1. Permanent dipole (Stronger)
                                                2. Heats of reaction (change in enthalpy) (pg 46)
                                                  1. Endothermic
                                                    1. Heat is absorbed
                                                      1. More energy required to break exisiting bonds
                                                      2. Exothermic
                                                        1. Heat is released
                                                          1. More energy is required to form new bonds
                                                          2. Activation energy
                                                            1. Entropy, enthalpy and spontaneous reactions
                                                              1. Phases changes
                                                                1. Definations of different types of enthalpy
                                                                2. Denfinations
                                                                  1. Balancing reactions
                                                                    1. Measuring enthalpy changes (pg 52)
                                                                      1. Using Hess's law (pg 62)
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