strong feelings in quickdraw and 1 other poem


Mind Map on strong feelings in quickdraw and 1 other poem, created by lucy15 on 12/05/2013.
Mind Map by lucy15, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucy15 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

strong feelings in quickdraw and 1 other poem
  1. quickdraw
    1. later, problematic stage of relationship
      1. structure shows erratic pace
        1. sentence runs into next stanza (enjambement)
          1. punctuation in last stanza
            1. suggests relationship is all over the place and uncertain
            2. war imagery
              1. symbolises argument
            3. hour
              1. looks at love in positive way
                1. early stage of relationship
                  1. they are in love
                    1. "love is times beggar"
                      1. time is precious, tresure the moment
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