

(Latin) Mind Map on Hannibal, created by louisa.bisgood on 12/05/2013.
Mind Map by louisa.bisgood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by louisa.bisgood over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Son of Hamilicar Barca, he swore an oath that he would allways hate the Romans.
    1. Took control of the Carthaginian army in 221 BC
      1. Attacked and captured Saguntum in Spain but in the process killed some Italian and Roman merchants, thus beginning the second punic war.
        1. He marched along the Spanish coast and crossed the alps into Italy with a Carthaginian and Gaullic Army and many battle elephants.
          1. Very resourceful - when boulders were blocking his way he set fires underneath them and poured lime into them to shatter them.
            1. Defeated the Roman army at three battles: the Ticinius, the Tebia and at Lake Trasimene,


              • Hannibal defeated the Romans at the three T's: Ticinius                              Tebia                              Trasimene
              1. Quintus Fabius Maximus was appointed to deal with Hannibal. He attempted this by using guerilla tactis.
                1. he most resounding defeat was at Cannae where the Romans lost 60,000 men to Hannibal's 5,000. Hannibal achieved this by luring the Romans in by ordering the centre of his infantry to retreat - the Romans were then surrounded from all sides.
                  1. Hasdrubal, Hannibals brother was defeated at the Battle of the River Mentaurus on his way into Italy. He was killed and his head thrown into Hannibals camp.


                    • this was hannibal descovered his brother was in italy !
                    1. Scipio, after getting cavalry from Massinissa, attacked Cartage. Hannibal was recalled from Italy to deal with Scipio. However Scipio defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama.
                      1. Hannibal fled east and took poison in 183 BC
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