Question 6. What have
you learnt about
technologies from the
process of
constructing this
What did we use?
In the production of our film we used a digital
camera. To plan our production I created
mindmaps on paper and web.o2 tools such as
What worked well?
The mindmaps were well
presented and easy for us
to read which enabled me
to present my ideas clearly
to my group.
The use of the digital camera
allowed us to present our film
opening in high quality in
contrasts to smartphone quality.
We used my phone to record our
practice footage and the quality
is much poorer.
What did not work well?
In our film we had a lot of handheld
footage because we wanted a first
person view, our tripod was broken
to trying to keep our camera still
was difficult for us and we had to
make sure we got the dull, gloomy
weather for our desired
When creating online mindmaps, it
was time consuming so for quick
ideas we was better of using paper
which then was more open to
getting lost.
What worked well?
I instantly got to grips with all
the web.o2 tools which allowed
me to present my blogs to the
highest standard.
I had a good clear layout which makes
my blogs easily understandable and
What did I use?
I used Blogger to present my blogs,
I found blogger very easy to use
and enabled me to layout my blog
exactly how I wanted it.
What did not work well?
Sometimes it was difficult to upload blogs
which I created on web.2 tools as we had to
find the embeded link which wasn't so
obvious on some sites.
What did I use?
I used mainly web.20 tools such as
GoConqr, Emaze, Prezi, Voki etc to make
my research more interesting.
What worked well?
Using these web.20 tools was fun for me so I
found because I enjoyed it it allowed me to
present my research at a high standard.
I originally had a pink, stripey blog however once we got into
producing our film I wanted to make my blog more genre applicable
so I used darker colours to create this effect.
What did not work well?
Due to my favouritism is the web.20 tools such as
Emaze, Prezi, GoConqr - I failed to venture out to use
different tools hence why all my blog posts use the
same variety of sites.
What did we use?
For our preliminary task we used a mac book and
used IMovie, this was the easiest option for us as
we recorded our preliminary task on our phones. I
also used this for my vlogs and other videos on my
blog. However, for my final film opening I used
Final Cut Pro X and found this much more
advanced than Imovie.
What worked well?
IMovie was easily accessable as it meant I could edit
videos at home on my mac, it allowed me to get to grips
with the editing software for basic effects.
Final Cut Pro X gave me the ability to increase the ability of my
editing skills and it had more advanced edits and effects
allowing me to increase the quality of my final film.
What did not work well?
IMovie meant I had to upload all the clips to my laptop and
the school mac so it was more confusing and meant it was
easier for faults to happen.
Final Cut Pro X was only available on the school
macs which meant all editing had to be done in
school. It also got quite confusing when trying to
find my clips as there was so many different clips on
the mac from other peoples work.